Friday, August 29, 2008

USC vs NC State----34-0-------WOO HOO!!!!!!!

Delaney is a true Gamecock fan. We celebrated the victory game over at Trey and Kelli's house.
Delaney and me in our Gamecock attire. You see her socks match her shirt. Hello coordination.
Randy and Delaney enjoy a moment in between eating shrimp and formula and shouting at the TV.
Kelli and Delaney bond. Delaney was talking up a storm to Kelli. Do you think she was complaining about her parents? We'll never know.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

First Big Crying

Delaney had her first big crying spell tonight. She was sleeping in her swing and all of a sudden woke up and started to cry really hard. It was hysterical crying and she seemed like she was in some pain. Randy and I carried her around and tried all the tricks like rocking, feeding her, pacifier....but nothing was working. We took her temperature---no fever. She wasn't pulling on her ears so we didn't think ear infection. She has been drooling a lot lately and chewing on her hand so we thought maybe she is one of those babies that teethe early. Randy raced off to the store to buy Baby Orajel while I stayed and rocked Delaney while she continued to cry. He got home, we put the Baby Orajel on her gums, and then she stopped crying. We were so excited that we figured it out. A couple of minutes later, she started making those grunting sounds that she does when she is pooping. I took her upstairs to change her, and what do you know----she pooped. Delaney was then happy as a clam, and was talking it up and dancing on her changing table.
So....the morale of the story is.....(thank you Nana)....if anything is wrong, try'll feel much better.
My poor constipated little child. Nana would be so proud that pooping is what cured her.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

We relive our hippy roots and hang out with the fam

The entire Roberts family (minus Mia the cat) went to Owens Field to play frisbee golf. I wasn't bad for my first experience with this sport. Randy was awesome. The dogs weren't on their leashes and they had a blast. Delaney cruised around in her stroller.
Who says White dogs can't jump? Tyson shows that he's got skills, while Olive shows she ain't got game.
Delaney poses with "that lady". I swear, she is going to be giving us a shirt soon that says "That Lady went to Florida and all she brought me was this shirt". If anyone has any more ideas for grandmother names, or how to get my mother to remember one for longer than 5 minutes, please let me know.
Delaney meets her real Aunt Maxie for the first time. It was so good to see Maxie. She is graduating from Emory next spring and applying to medical schools right now. I've got such a smart sister.
Maxie, Delaney, and I pose at the lake near my house on our morning walk during her visit. We don't have pictures of us stuffing our face at The Original Pancake House afterwards. Yum.

Maxie, Delaney, and Ann on our walk. It was so nice to have Maxie and Ann here and meeting Delaney. Ann said that my dad would be so proud of me. That made me feel so good.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

School is Way too Exciting----and then Exhausting

Poor Delaney has been having way too much fun at school this week and apparently isn't taking very good naps. This causes her to be slightly cranky and overtired during the school day. Then when I go to pick her up---she is so tired she has been falling asleep in the car, or shortly after we get home, and then staying asleep until 8:00. Randy and I have been waking her up then, to basically feed her and play with her for a little bit before she goes to sleep again for the night. Poor little party animal. She doesn't want to miss a thing at school. I think she is enjoying it though. The room is bright and sunny and there are tons of toys and activities.

When I dropped her off this morning, Miss Angela put Delaney on her lap and was showing her a soft musical book. Delaney was mesmerized by it and was touching the pages, totally in awe. Think I got to get me one of those for home.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Our Weekend Pics

The ladies check their e-mail
Okay. Randy and I should be in trouble for this one. Delaney looked more like "Vinny" when she was in her swing so we couldn't help but add the gold chain. Are we mature enough to be parents?
Delaney responds to the last picture and as you can see, she thinks her parents are weird as hell. Do take note of the onesie: "Daddy Does My Hair". Hee hee. Love it.

Delaney Goes to School

Okay. No picture to accompany but Delaney started daycare today. She is going to Trenholm Road United Methodist Preschool and it is a really good one. Her teacher is Miss Angela and she seems really great and laidback. I was a big girl when I dropped her off and she was really happy lying on the mat. I got a little weepy in the car and called Randy and he made me feel better and then asked if I was going to visit her at lunch. I sort of hesitated and he said that she was in an unfamiliar place today and it might make her feel good if we visited. I then thought, "Oh my God. She is in an unfamiliar place. What have I done to my daughter?".
I made it through the morning and rushed over there at lunchtime to find her fast asleep in her crib. Angela told me that she fought sleep all morning and had just gone to sleep at 11:45. I informed Angela that Delaney is a bit of a party animal and doesn't like to miss anything. She had also spit up on the outfit I brought her in and was wearing a new lovely little dress. Too bad it wasn't her lovely dress. Poor Angela had accidentally put Sarah Beth's outfit on Delaney. First days. They are rough for us all.
I will be rushing there after work. What time is it? 4 hours to go. I can do it.

Friday, August 15, 2008

This Week in a Nutshell

Not much going on this week. I had pink eye last weekend which left me homebound with my glasses on all weekend. Couldn't drive, watch TV, etc....It sucked. I also couldn't touch Delaney which was horrible. It got better by the work week but my eye was still irritated and the drops I had caused irritation underneath my eye which then looked like I got in a fight and got a black eye. So attractive. You will see no pics of me from this week. Can you tell I am whiny about the whole ordeal? Anyhoo. Delaney continues to do more each day. She is now rolling sometimes from her tummy to her back---if she is in the mood. She is not the biggest fan of tummy time but I am trying. She starts daycare Monday so that will be good. She will miss being with Nana though.

Delaney gets slightly comatose after dinner. Luckily there are no flies in our house.

This is my cheerful daughter when she wakes up in the morning. That might be the one thing she got from me---being a morning person. Delaney loves to hug her snuggle bunny.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Delaney loves her N's

Because Delaney can't start daycare until August 18, she has been hanging out with assorted grandmothers. She loves going to Nana's house and dancing with her.
Nonna (a.k.a. Tinker) came to take care of Delaney at our house and they had such a good time together.

Saturday, August 2, 2008