Is it Olive or Rudolph?

Is it Tyson or Santa Claus?

Delaney's "My First Chanukah" outfit sports a dreidel on the bootie.

We had an excellent Chanukah at Nana's house. Everyone said they had cut back this year--but I have never seen a bigger pile of presents in my life. Delaney got so many wonderful things. She got so excited she fell over into a gift bag and we were all laughing so hard we forgot to help her at first. It didn't bother her too much though because she tried to climb back into the gift bag a couple of minutes later.
In this lovely pic we have Nutty and Randy going for a classy pose while Stan decides for a different look.

Nana and Delaney hang out at Chanukah.

Grammy and Delaney with the "My First Dreidel" book that plays the dreidel song over and over. Delaney loves it.

Nana bought Delaney her first baby doll.

Delaney being multicultural with Santa hat and Chanukah bib.

Little Santa monkey

We had Christmas Eve at our house with Renee, Jack, Cheri, Dave, Davis, Morgan and Grammy. The tradition meal of fried chicken was had and enjoyed by all. Delaney played so hard with Davis as seen here by the amount of drool on her outfit.

Randy and Delaney in front of the tree on Christmas morning.

Sleepy me on Christmas morning. Poor Delaney had a cold so she and I spent the night on the couch. One of us slept good (Delaney) and one of us had someone's finger up their nose. It's okay. I love snuggling with her.

Nana bought Delaney her sweet little Christmas outfit.

Delaney got the sweetest little Sophie la Giraffe from Ann, Jessica, and Maxie. She loves it.

Delaney gets ready to chow down on Christmas.

Jack's parents, Big Jack and Dorothy, came over for the Christmas meal. Delaney just loved Dorothy.

We bought Delaney a personalized bookshelf for Christmas. Delaney loves to stand up at it and look at all of her books.

Sweet little doll baby in her Christmas dress.

The whole fam