We had a little get together with friends at our house Friday night. Delaney spent the night at Grammy's and we had a blast. There was beer pong and karaoke and swimming. Need I say more? Christy, Kent, and me and Randy
Trey got thrown in the pool. Oops!!! :)
Delaney tested out the karaoke before people came over. Delaney is following in her momma's footsteps already with the love of the karaoke mic. As you can see at the end, Randy is called "momma". Actually, pretty much anyone she loves is called "momma" right now.
My mom wanted to take Delaney to EdVenture, the children's hands-on museum here in town, and Randy and I couldn't miss that one! That place is awesome!
***Before I get started on the EdVenture talk, let me just say that these are the last of the blurry pics. We put the crap-ola camera up on E-bay it sold! For only $3 less than Randy originally paid for it! The new camera is on its way and we should get it soon. It is the same kind I had, pre-dropping in pool incident, and it was a perfect and no-blur wonderful camera. I can't wait to take pictures again and not worry about their outcome!
One of the best parts of EdVenture is the grocery store. Delaney immediately headed to the meat department.
She grabbed the store's largest ham hock.
Blur and all, you can see the speed and determination in her eyes as she races around the grocery store.
The mini grocery carts were one of the favorites.
Delaney shows her Grammy the fire truck.
There was a really cool traveling exhibit at EdVenture of all these amazing butterflies. Delaney was a little nervous at first walking out into the courtyard with hundreds of butterflies fluttering all around.
Randy captured this awesome shot of a beautiful Monarch.
Delaney liked being in the driver's seat in the Volkswagen Beetle.
One of Delaney's favorite parts of EdVenture was the toddler room where they had this ramp she could go up and down. Yeah---forget the grocery store, fire truck, music exhibits, etc....this ramp was awesome. Four feet of pure bliss.
Delaney liked the moped in the Africa section.
Delaney was hilarious in the weather forecasting station. She enjoyed watching herself on the TV, and got a big kick out of placing the weather magnets on the SC map. She was actually quite brilliant doing this---we would say, "Put the rain on Swansea", and lo and behold---she would place that little cloud on Swansea. She was much more accurate than our local weathermen--that's for sure.
Delaney dances on the musical hopscotch at EdVenture. This is a great moment with Delaney---but even better moment of my mom dancing in the background.
Randy makes some tunes on the musical hopscotch
Delaney and her daddy pose at the fire truck.
Watch out world---here comes Delaney and the bulldozer.
***That was our first trip to EdVenture, and I am sure there will be many more. I hate that I didn't get more pics---but I will the next time. We had so many fabulous moments that day---and Delaney was just on cloud nine. Her eyes were so big, and she just ran around that museum in pure delight. It was so beautiful to see---and exhausting. :)
Delaney loves Baby Stewie and her favorite game is identifying body parts on him, us, herself, and basically anyone who comes within reach
Mrs. Cool on her bike with her shades.
Delaney takes her bike very seriously.
If you can get past the fuzz--this is a really cute picture. And speaking of fuzz---my new camera sucks. My dear sweet husband bought it for me for our anniversary and with the first several uses, we thought it was great. He did a lot of research before buying it and the reviews seemed great. Well, the Sony Cyber-shot camera is soooo blurry and awful and I can't wait to get rid of it. We have it posted on ebay right now and probably will be taking a loss with that one. I don't care. I obviously love taking pictures and I would love to have some clear pictures again of our family. As Randy said to me, "You live your life where everything already looks blurry, your pictures should at least be clear". Amen to that one.
Randy, Delaney, and I went with Trey and Kelli to the zoo. This is the only picture I took. There was quite a crowd around the huge tortoises and for a funny reason. Most of the parents were laughing hysterically and the kids were standing around bored and clueless.
We had a good time at the pool this weekend, and Delaney was wearing her cute sporty swimsuit. I am posting these pictures mainly because I can finally see a little bit of me in my wee one. Delaney really looks like me in these pictures.
The Roberts fam went to Mays Park and Delaney loved the slide and the swing.
Swinging across the playground equipment is so much fun
Not much going on here but I just wanted a video of Delaney walking and talking and just being her cute little self.
Thursday was Delaney's last day in the Infant room at daycare. We brought some cookies and a little present for Mrs. Angela, Delaney's teacher. I was definitely a lot more emotional about this event than Delaney. I know she is just going to the toddler room but it felt like my little baby was leaving and a big girl was coming in her place.
Delaney was so excited about her "graduation" day she was running around in the morning.
She decided to wear her new Polo dress from Grammy to be super stylish for her last day as an Infant.
Wave bye-bye to Infant room!
After an exhausting "graduation" day and her right molar coming in, Delaney was not as enthusiastic about her bath.
Her hair had a lot more enthusiasm....
Delaney has a fascination about carrying around a dog bone. I think it is to drive the dogs crazy. She has a death grip on it and won't let it go. She is practically lobotomized in her chair at the end of the day, hence her red eyes, but she's still got that bone!
Our friends Kathleen and Chris brought us their girls' old Radio Flyer bike because they had outgrown it. Delaney LOVES it even though she can't reach the pedals yet.
Hey---if you can't ride it yourself, you can always push it!!!
Our friends Audrea and Aaron had a birthday party for their dog Rayneman on Sunday who was turning 7. There was lots of big doggies there and Delaney was in doggie heaven. They have a huge backyard too so Delaney loved being able to run out without falling in the pool which is the hazard at our house.
Olive liked her birthday hat. She was the smallest doggie there but was the only one who would growl like she was a badass. She really is a pansy dog---she was just putting up a front. **As you see there are no pictures of Tyson. He was there, but just too busy playing with the doggies for me to capture a pic.
Olive was exhausted when we got home and passed out---hat and all.
We were so hot when we got home from the pool we decided to take a dip in the pool. Delaney likes to point out the flowers around the pool.
Please take a moment to reflect on our sweet child's outfit. This is when Daddy is in charge of dressing. The bathing suit is practically choking her because the straps are on wrong, the swimmie diaper is all hanging out, and her hat oh so matches so well. She looks adorable though and I love her Daddy so. The shoes are not pictured---but try to picture hot pink and blue swimmie shoes. It really topped off the ensemble.
Okay---bad picture but Delaney has really enjoyed playing with her feet lately. Favorite spots---the high chair and her car seat.
The fam went to Cici's Pizza for the annual Randy and Miranda Pizza Eat-Off. Miranda won (again) this year with a stomach churning 15 pieces. Randy was in close second with 11---and I must say that he also had salad and had toppings on his pizza while Miranda had cheese. But still---he was beaten by an eleven year old girl. Miranda shows off her hula-hooping skills after the contest. It made my stomach hurt watching her do that knowing how much food she just ate.
Randy holds his consolation LOSER prize---a big 'ol Stewie doll. I hate that stupid Stewie and the show he came from--but Randy actually loves him. What's sad is---Delaney now loves him too. Stewie is on our couch and she loves to play the "Where's the Baby" game with him. How sad. A large lemon-head non-baby is her new favorite toy.
We went to Sato's Japanese steakhouse to mourn Miranda leaving us. I am so glad Miranda selected the restaurant for her last meal because it is one of my favorite places that I always used to drag the fam to for my birthday every year.
Delaney loved to bang on the table with the chop sticks and we fed her several raisins with them which she got a kick out of.
Miranda catches a shrimp in her mouth.
The fam at Sato's.
When we went to Publix this week Delaney got a free balloon and just loved it. I just thought these pictures of her with the balloon were so sweet.
Delaney is an OCD cleaner like me already
I don't know who is entertained more by the Swiffer---Delaney or Randy