The Race for the Cure in Greenville was one of the best times ever. Team Suzapalooza was honoring our friend Suzannah Eleazer who was diagnosed with breast cancer last year. She has been through a lot, but has come out looking gourgeous with her short hair and her new hobby as a runner! Greenville was cooler on race morning, and there was a light sprinkle. Larry and I drove up that morning and got to ride on a school bus for a minute which was exciting. We met up with Team Suzapalooza which consisted of Suzannah's friends and family. Lots of friends were old faces from the past and I was so glad to see them. The course was set on the CU-ICAR campus and it was a great race course with smooth roads. The race was set up with Competitive Racers in the front, then other runners, then walkers. There was a turn-around in the race around Mile 2 and that allowed the people in the front to really see the waves of people behind them. My favorite moment of the day was when I was running and I got to give a high five to Suzianners as we passed each other. That one small moment meant the world to me because it felt so good to see her running beside me. It was a magical day full of love and inspiration. I will never forget it.

Me and Larry on the school bus

Me and Suz

Mary Beth and Tiffany

Amanda, Kate, and Tiffany

Larry---fuzzy but cheerful after finishing the race.

Suzannah and various team members finishing the race. Suzannah's husband Ele was pushing the double stroller with their two kids Caroline and Markham.

Me, Amy, MB, Suz, Tiffany, and Kate

I love you Suzianners!! This pic is so fabulous. Caroline's shirt is too that says "Fight Like a Girl"