The Roberts family and the Crosby family (English, Steve, Eliza, and Drew) went to Waynesville, NC to celebrat New Years Eve. We rented a mountain house and it was so perfect! The house was fully stocked with everything we needed and it was in a great location with plenty of snow on the ground right around the house. The kids managed to fill the living room with their toys the second we arrived.
Eliza is so cute.
Delaney has an innocent face while she follows Drew and Eliza up and down the stairs.
Drew said he was "babysitting" Delaney and making sure she didn't fall down the stairs. Delaney was actually very safe on the stairs and went down on her bottom. The carpet on the stairs gave her, and us, more confidence.
They had a great pool table at the house but it was inside the garage so it was pretty cold in there. The kids enjoyed knocking the balls around.
A little door peek-a-boo
I bought all of the kids bubbles to ring in the New Year. Even though it was right before 9 o'clock--we shouted "Happy New Year!"
Drew shows off his cool Wolverine arm while Eliza looks up.
Delaney has a bad problem with eating bubbles. Guess that whole wash your mouth out with soap trick won't work for her.
After the kids went to bed, the adults got festive with alcoholic beverages, music, and the game Apples to Apples. We had such a fun time! We took tons of pictures but are not showing them all because they get kinda silly. And I also promised not to. :)
Delaney is a little sleepy and misses some of her usual ones while reading "My Little Animal Book" with her daddy.
Delaney is still sleepy, but now able to identify some of her favorite animals in her favorite book. She loves to point them out, say their names, and make their sounds.
Delaney always likes to go and give Mia a big hug and say "sweet". Mia is so good with her and loves coming into Delaney's room at bedtime when the night-night books are being read. I know I took eight million pictures of this...but it is too cute.
Delaney always seems to find random places to go and sit with her snack. The vent in the kitchen was the spot for the day. We headed out after snack time to Bubba and Nonna's new house in Elgin. It was great!!! Beautiful high ceilings and a great room for Bubba to relax in.
My little sleepyhead wore her elf attire to walk down the stairs on Christmas morning. She became wide-eyed when she saw what Santa brought her----her own table and two chairs!
It doesn't take long for the elf to take a seat and get started coloring!
Delaney gets to coloring at her new table while Jack and I look on.
Me and Laneyboo in front of the tree on Christmas morning.
Tyson loved his stocking stuffer of a big fuzzy green weiner dog.
Olive loved her stocking stuffer of a bone that said "KOSHER".
Mia enjoys her stocking stuffers which consist of green fuzzy balls, a boa bell toy, and some catnip. Basically a whole bunch of stuff she won't play with.
Delaney loved her stocking stuffers. A light-up mini disco ball was a big hit.
One of Delaney's stocking stuffers was this musical toy named "Chilly Dog". She LOVES it. She is now singing along with it which is hysterical.
Too cool for Christmas
Delaney really got into the spirit of opening presents on Christmas. She had been hesitant before on Chanukah, but Christmas morning she enjoyed pulling the wrapping paper off of the present and seeing what was inside.
Delaney opened her Fridge DJ and did a little Lloyd Dobler moment. That was for any one you Say Anything fans out there.
Tyson with bone---Delaney with animal cracker.
Delaney got a bunch of clothes from Nay-Nay. She proceeded to put all of them on---but not necessarily in the right places.
My dear sweet husband was concerned about how I am always bending over to shave my legs in our teeny-weeny shower. He bought me a geriatric shower bench. I laughed so hard even though it looks like I am crying in this picture. I used to recommend those to patients at the hospital when I worked there. His heart was in the right place. Thank goodness for return policies at stores. :)