Dr. Wachter is an important person in my life for two reasons: 1) He was my principal at Rosewood Elementary School and left a lasting impression. He made every student feel like they were important. He would have a special lunch with each student during the school year where you ate lunch with him in his office and it was the best thing ever! Dr. Wachter called the 5th graders "sweathogs" and I waited 4 years to have that honor and then he decided to leave on a sabbatical during my "sweathog" year so I never got to be called that name. I would say I didn't forgive him but of course I did because of the second reason he is important in my life 2) He married Randy and I!!!
Dr. Wachter was the principal at Rosewood Elementary for 34 years and is retiring this year. They had a picnic at the school and there were hundreds of people there to honor him. It was quite amazing.
Delaney, mom and I enjoyed the beautiful weather.
Everything was so festive.
Dr. Wachter spoke to the group and introduced the new principal. I can't imagine stepping into those shoes. HUGE shoes to fill.
Randy and Delaney play their new game---spin the Delaney on the ground. Another word we have for it is "breakdancing".
Delaney's class went to the zoo on a field trip this week. One of the highlights was riding the daycare bus there. Delaney kept saying the entire time, "riding the bus" "so excited".
Here is the first of many shots trying to get all 8 classmates to pose in the same picture. Almost impossible. Sarah Beth is the perfect example of what to do....never move. My child is the opposite...keep moving and even attempt to be placed in a stroller for stability. Still didn't work.
Delaney and one of the gorillas. In case you were wondering...there is glass in between them.
Delaney and Sarah Beth bond with the bunnies.
Delaney, Abby, and Callie try to coax the bunnies into coming over to them. I don't know girls...those bunnies aren't dumb.
Delaney was too afraid of the giraffes this visit to feed them but Warren allowed the giraffe to totally chomp on his hand.
Delaney and Mrs. Vickie have a moment with the flamingos.
I can't take credit for this pic. Mrs. Patti took it and sent it to me. I think it is fabulous. Little Libbie on the bench at the zoo.
Super Laney would like to announce her good news: She is having a little SISTER!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Randy is officially outnumbered now. We are all so excited and can't wait to meet her in September. Delaney has already picked a name: "Chaucer". She is very serious when we ask her what her baby sister should be named and this is what she says. We will think about it.......:)
We went out to Blythewood to visit the cousins and they all had such a good time. Davis had just had his tonsils out that week but he was playing and cheerful as always.
Delaney pushes Morgan on her bike.
Randy jumps with Morgan and Delaney on the trampoline.
That afternoon me and Delaney and Grammy went to Newberry to Lorelei's 2nd birthday party. It was a beautiful day and Lorelei is absolutely precious!
It was so hard to capture the 2 girls together.
This is as good as I could get.
I love this picture of Delaney and Grammy
Lorelei gets ready to blow out her candle with Jessica holding her above the cake.
Delaney's daycare celebrated "The Week of the Young Child" this week. On Wednesday there was a picnic lunch on the playground with Chik-fil-A.
Miss Vickie, Warren, and Callie sit and eat their lunches.
It was amazing how calm a bunch of 1-2 year olds are during a picnic lunch with yummy chicken.
Randy and Delaney have some bubbles after their meal.
On Friday Delaney and I went to daycare for Bike Day, where all of the kids bring their bikes, wagons, scooters, etc...to ride in the parking lot. They have a big circular course set up and the kids just go zooming around and around.
Abby with her cool Barbed Wire helmet.
All of the girls in Delaney's class did the same thing---no real riding the bikes with the pedals but just scooting along with their feet.
The fam went to the 2010 Wing Fling which moved locations this year from the Blowfish stadium to Main Street. The location wasn't as good, and there wasn't as many wing vendors as last year but we still had a great time. The music was awesome and Delaney loved riding in her wagon and eating her mini corn dogs.
Delaney jams out in her wagon dancing to The Movement at the Wing Fest
On the day before Easter Jessica came over to do an Easter Egg hunt with Delaney. It was a beautiful day and we had 22 eggs waiting for the little munchkin to find. She loved finding them but really wasn't too interested in what was inside. Thank goodness----because all I had was MnM's and stickers inside. Good treats---but not much variety.
Delaney and her parents and Auntie Jessica have an Easter Egg hunt in the backyard.
Delaney liked to "dump" out her eggs from her basket into my larger basket so she could have room to find more. After the first big dumping she wanted to continue dumping after each egg she found. It's okay---I like it that way too. OCD.
My mom gave me this do-it yourself kit to make grass in a record bowl "easter basket". Well the grass grew but it really wasn't a functional Easter basket. We made it a nice hangout for chickie and bunny.
Randy, Delaney, and I took advantage of the gourgeous Good Friday weather and went to the zoo. Little Diva had her water and was ready to go.
She was mesmerized by the elephants.
Feeding the goats...
Feeding the bunny....
Randy had to ride that scary carousel with Delaney this time. I had to go last time. I am already planning to use the pregnancy card for the next time. Maybe I can just keep it avoiding it.
Not sure why she has this face on. Funny...
Delaney loved looking at the penguins. She was following them going back and forth while they were swimming.
The "king" penguin or whatever he is called was right in front of her.
Riding the rock in the Birdhouse.
Delaney "rides" on a rock at the birdhouse at the Zoo.