Saturday, April 19, 2008

if i could turn back time

I wish I had started this blog when I first became pregnant. Could, shoulda, woulda. I didn't realize how easy it would be to start one and there are so many things I would have liked to say. I shall try to compile 9 months into a short paragraph. This pregnancy, honestly, has been a breeze. I felt no morning sickness and still ran 2 miles 2 times a week until the 7th month. At that point, Randy said I was looking like a duck and needed to stop. I am still comfortable, and am in my 38th week. I can still paint my own toenails, thank you very much, and am still going to the gym five days a week. I had to go get a bikini wax this morning though because there are parts of my body that I haven't seen in a while.

The beginning of the pregnancy was a bit rough. Not physically, but emotionally. It was hard for Randy and I to adjust to the new lifestyle. We had been so used to going out with friends and I had been so used to drinking lots of wine that it was difficult to become pious and wholesome. Even our nights spent at home were different. Randy and I loved to open a bottle of wine and play Pogo on the computer or sit outside by the pool and play cards. Even things like that were different. Poor Randy has really had to adjust. It was just hard for me watching him continue to drink and smoke and have fun and I really gave him a hard time. He had a hard time giving stuff up at first but he has truly been amazing. I feel I have to be a little selfish. I do have quite a "hoss" growing inside of me right now. (The ultrasound tech's words----not mine)

Looking back now, these 9 months have actually gone by really fast. I never thought I would say that. When it gets to about the 6-7 month point and the baby is moving a lot and I started growing a lot, it got really exciting and the time just flew by. Designing the nursery and basically getting everything ready takes a lot of time. We have everything done though and are now just waiting for the big arrival. I will post a pic of the nursery so people can see our hard work. Tyson needed to have his moment of fame as well.

Delaney Jeanne should be making her entrance into the world in the next 2 weeks. I am actually not nervous a bit--just excited. I am more nervous about the whole breastfeeding thing but that's another story.

O.K. That's 9 months in a nutshell. Yeah right. I just don't want to bore all of my avid readers.

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