Sunday, April 12, 2009

Wing Fling 2009

The Roberts Family loves a good festival. This was the inaugural year of the Wing Fling which was at the old Columbia Bombers stadium. There was great music, and lots of vendors selling wings. The weather was absolutely gourgeous and we had a blast. My favorite wings were the stuffed mac and cheese wings. Yes---you heard me right. A mixture of 2 of my favorite foods in one. Randy liked the stuffed bacon, jalapeno, and cheedar wings.

Delaney jams out to some tunes.

Lyle and Trey enjoy the sunshine.

Delaney loved being able to roam around in the grass.

Delaney flirted with all of the guys there, especially Aaron.

I gave Delaney pieces of my mac and cheese wing and then she decided she wanted to gnaw on the bone. She loved it.

Okay---before you call social services, the bottle was empty. Delaney was bound and determined to get ours while they were full so when one was empty we handed it to her for a moment to make her happy. No worries---she got to have it for about 5 seconds before we took it away. It made her day. Should I be worried???

The best daddy in the world with his beautiful daughter.

A happy moment before I got sad. On the way home from the Wing Fling I realized one of my diamond stud earrings had fallen out. These were the earrings Randy got me on our first Christmas together. They were so special to me. We immediately turned around and went back and Randy looked at our spot on the field and I searched through all of our belongings. We couldn't find it. My dear sweet husband went back on Monday with a metal detector in the rain to try and find it, but to no avail. I was sad, and am still very sad about it. I loved those earrings so much!

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