Friday, October 30, 2009

Some Good Stuff and TRUMPS Halloween 2009

Randy and I took Delaney to the Scarecrow Exhibit at the Robert Mills house downtown. Well--we meant to take her to it. Someone---I am not mentioning any names---got the time wrong and the exhibit closed at 4, not 5, and we missed it. I'm sorry!!!!!!! We still enjoyed ourselves by walking around the house. I love that Delaney can be so entertained right now by stepping on a leaf, seeing a squirrel, jumping up and down, etc.....She didn't need no stinkin' scarecrows!!!

Delaney has really loved brushing her teeth lately. We bought her a little step stool so now she can be miss independent teeth brusher and now she loves it. I don't know if every tooth is being brushed--but I am just happy she doesn't mind it.

Delaney gets all dolled up to go to school for the annual TRUMPS Halloween Parade.

I just have no words for how cute she is in this outfit.

Cute little Callie is a ladybug sitting on Miss Melissa's lap.

Price tries to get some sweeping in before the parade.

Rawlins and Price were really not happy in their Mickey Mouse costumes. I, personally, thought they were adorable.

Abby smiles her big Love Bug grin while Delaney just chills and scopes out the scene.

Delaney was a bit confused at the beginning of the TRUMPS Halloween parade

Sometimes it's hard to be a lady.

The girls in the class kept switching out positions in the wagon. Delaney stuck it out for a while.

Delaney trick-or-treats with her daddy and her friends.

She spots a cute cowboy in the pumpkin patch.

The original foursome----Sarah Beth (bee), Will (Superman---with the curl on his forehead), Libbie (Devil---her parents have a sense of humor obviously), and Delaney. These four were all in the same infant class at school together. Will is no longer with the girls but they all still hang out on the playground together.

Will, Libbie, and Delaney hang out on the pumpkins

Delaney lets Price pull her around in the wagon. It was sort of like their first date.

Delaney shows off her muscles pushing the kids in the wagon.

Delaney really doesn't give Sarah Beth much room in the wagon. The little devil Libbie is there to make sure everything is okay.

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