Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day!!!

Delaney opens her Valentine's Day present from me which was a new bath toy. Yay!!! Lots of fun reusable stickers of cars and trucks to build roads and stuff on the walls of the bath tub. She loves it!!

Randy trumped me as usual with his Valentine's present which was a small aquarium with two mini frogs in it. Delaney loves her "ribbits". We named them "Yeti" and "Mr. T". Yeti because his feet are so big like Big Foot, and Mr. T after one of my favorite books...The Wind in the Willows....good 'ol Mr. Toad.

Randy bought Delaney a new turtle that we named "Shelley".

Damn it feels good to be a gangsta....

We have been trying the no diaper thing on the weekends. On this day of worked!!!! (Story below might be a little TMI for you. If you don't care about reading about potty stuff then go for it).Delaney pee-peed on the floor and got very upset and then Randy raced her to her little potty and she had a little tiny poopy!!! We were so excited!!! Later that day, Delaney was being a little clingy and I was holding her and I felt something coming...I raced her to the potty and she pooped right in the potty!!! It was a moment of celebration with hugging and lots of Dora stickers. I must honestly say that I don't think Delaney is truly ready quite yet....she doesn't mind the diapers being wet or dirty AT ALL and if we have her diaper off for a while she waits until it is back on to go to the bathroom. I think we have made some good headway but I think it will be a while. No problem!!!

** Notice the boots in the above picture. I bought these for Delaney for our trip to the mountains on New Years. Well...Delaney is obsessed with them. Every day she says "BOOTS"...I just hope she is over this by summertime. That will look mighty strange poolside.

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