Friday, May 21, 2010

Potatoes, Kitties, and Concerts---Oh My!!!!

Delaney got a Mrs. Potato Head for her birthday from English and it is her most favorite present. Here is one of her new creations.

Mia likes to cuddle with Delaney in her bed before she goes to sleep at night. Mia listens to books and then gets the boot before the actual night-night time. I don't want poor Delaney to go through what Randy and I do at night---Mia climbing all over you. She is a big heffa.

Here is Simba. Simba is Kathleen and Chris' cat that we are watching until they find a permanent home. (For them---not Simba. Long story. They sold their house, don't have new with friends---poor Lee family). Glad I took pic of Simba because the little outside kitty doesn't like our porch--she likes the neighbor's porch. I feed and water each day and I think she might visit but not sure.

Here is my little superstar in the TRUMPS Spring Fling Concert 2010. Her class was doing "Rain Rain Go Away" and they were all dressed in rain gear. Delaney and Libbie seemed to be the only "participants" rocking back and forth and then clapping enthusiastically at the end. Sarah Beth and Abby preferred to talk to their mommies or run down the aisle. It was an adorable show and Delaney was so proud of herself.

The mommies had to scoop up their super stars after the big performance.

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