Monday, September 20, 2010

Maya Presley Roberts

I woke up this morning and didn't feel right. I went to the gym like usual but could only go about 1 mile per hour on the elliptical and really just felt like garbage. I went to work, but continued to feel really bad. I called my OB, Dr. Wild, and got an appointment for 2 PM because I knew something just wasn't right. At the appointment, Dr. Wild said that I was dilated and effaced more than I was 4 days prior at my last appointment and he recommended going over to the hospital so he could break my water. His other option was for me to go home and possibly turn around several hours later when my water broke naturally. I went for option #1.

After breaking my water, I pretty much went into labor immediately. Because I am a creature of habit, I got cold again and had the shakes just like my first labor. My wonderful husband was beside me the whole time.

Mom raced over to the hospital after picking up Delaney from daycare and bringing her home where Debbie was waiting for her.

Some highlights/lowlights of this labor/hospital experience:
1) The nurses had to stick me FIVE times to run the IV's. Apparently my veins kept rolling which was so so so so painful. This, obviously, was a low.
2) The anesthesiologist told me that a woman who had a C-section scheduled for that day canceled because she realized she didn't want to have a Virgo baby. This one goes out to you Larry and Jessica!! Sorry---this one is a Virgo. We have too many Libras in the house already.
3) Huge highlight----I entered the hospital at 3 PM, and 4 hours later----my wonderful new daughter was born at 7:20. How about that for fast???? It was like, water broke, get epidural, pain and shakes for a while, push REALLY hard for 30 minutes, and out pops Maya. (I make it sound so simple don't I?)

***Maya Presley Roberts. Born at 7:20 PM. 7 pounds 10 ounces. 19 1/2 inches. 14 in circumference head---and I felt every bit of that big 'ol noggin. :)

One scary thing when she was born---the cord was wrapped around her neck. I couldn't tell this from my position but apparently they had to give her oxygen and do deep suctioning to her lungs which is quite traumatic for a newborn. All of this meant I couldn't hold her right away and she had to be taken to the nursery to wait to see a neo-natologist. Apparently Maya was breathing really rapidly and her color was white/blue. They were worried they might have to do a feeding tube. The nurses told me the information and I was so nervous and scared but Randy was with Maya in the nursery and he kept coming back to the room and saying that she was absolutely beautiful and looked fine. It took about 1 1/2 hours but then I got to hold Maya and she got the A-OK from the doctors that she was perfect.

My take on all of this is that my body and Maya were telling me that she was ready to come out today. They didn't know the cord was around her neck but maybe my body and Maya did. She was only 9 days early but I am grateful she came when she did. Not only because she is happy and healthy, but also because can you imagine how big she would have been if she had brewed longer? YIKES!!!

Maya gets weighed at the hospital--7 pounds 10 ounces

Randy takes Maya's first close-up video

Perfect little Maya.

My first time holdng Little Miss M.

Grammy and her new granddaughter.

The proud daddy.

A big kiss from daddy.

Maya already seems to be a very alert baby---just like Delaney was.

It was a calm and quiet first night in the hospital. Maya slept in the nursery and went for 4 hour stretches in between feedings. That's my girl!!!

The next day we had lots of visitors...
Nana--the happy great-grandmother.

Randy went to pick up Delaney from home where she was hanging out with Debbie. It was so wonderful to see her and I felt like it had been years even though it had only been one day.

Delaney came to the hospital to meet her little sister. It was such a sweet and wonderful moment.

Like mommy like Maya with matching pajamas.

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