Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween!!

Because we didn't really have a spooky Halloween--let me update you on my spookiness. Probably a little TMI going on but oh well. If you haven't heard me say the word "boob" lately then you have been living in a hole. I have had non-stop breastfeeding issues with Maya since she was born but attempted to be persistent and feed her while clenching my teeth in pain. After speaking to lactation consultants (who are the fruit cakes of the world) and going to my OB after a 103 fever, it turns out I had mastitis. Some antibiotics and pain pills later I was doing better but one boob just wouldn't work. Couldn't pump....Maya wouldn't eat from it. I tried calling the lactation consultants, MD's, random strangers to get help on what to do but they either didn't call back (the fruit cakes) or didn't know what to tell me. Sooo....I decided to quit nursing cold turkey, knowing it would hurt but feeling helpless. This was possibly tied with labor regarding pain. Well---as I am actually writing this post on 11-16-10 (because I can't have more than one post about my boob----that would be ridiculous) I am still on antibiotics and painkillers and have clogged ducts, etc.....This has been one of the most painful and awful things I have ever experienced. Let's look at the positive side: Maya had eczema and appeared to have reflux when I was nursing. She would look uncomfortable after eating. Since she started eating formula, her skin cleared up and is beautiful and she sucks down her bottles with no problems. So....the moral of the story is----if my wonderful child is happy----I am happy too. :)

Check out the leg warmers.

The last time officially dressing up as Snow White. Again--as I am writing this post at later date--Delaney continues to wear her costume. We put her to bed at night in her pajamas and she wakes up with those pajamas on---but her costume on top. She is the cutest thing.

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