Monday, January 10, 2011

Snow Again!!!

Maya started daycare on January 3 at the same church where Delaney is. Her teachers are very sweet (Miss Camika and Miss Camille) and they love her. She is the youngest baby and is just hugged and loved all day. There are only 4 other babies so it is a small room. They love Maya and predict her future career to be a truckdriver because they said they have never seen such a sweet baby that farts and burps as loud as her. Wow. I be proud.

Delaney and her elephant towel.

2 Delaney stories:
1) When Delaney goes to sleep at night, we let her roam from her room to the bathroom in case she needs to go potty. We usually close our bedroom but Mia (our 15 year old crotchety cat) is quite fond of Delaney and likes to go in her room. So...we have let Mia roam. Anyhoo...Delaney was put to bed at 8 and we heard her playing for a while and then it got quiet for a while. I heard her washing her hands and went to check on her. I observed some cat fur on her hands. Oh crap. I go in my bedroom and find Mia on my bed COVERED in toothpaste from head to tail. When I say covered, I mean an entire tube of toothpaste was plastered into her fur. Needless to say, Randy and I had to bathe poor Mia immediately who actually didn't mind the bath. I really wanted to discipline Delaney because she needs to know not to do that--but it was so funny I was trying not to laugh. Wish I had taken pictures.

2) The next night after the toothpaste incident, we put Delaney "to bed" again and we were tending to Maya who had a little cold. About an hour after we had brought Delaney upstairs, I went upstairs to get Maya's Tylenol from her changing table. Again---Maya's room is a room we keep closed but we had accidentally left it open. I go to get the Tylenol and realize the bottle is empty. Yep--Delaney drank it. A quick call to Poison Control later---and everything was fine. They said because it was infant Tylenol that she might just get a stomach ache. Sigh....We now make SURE that every door/cabinet/box/opening has a lock on it.

We got snow AGAIN!!! This time, our little "blizzard" closed our schools for a week. Sounds crazy, but true. I don't remember how many inches but it was definitely a lot of snow.

Snow Bunny

We let Tyson and Olive loose in the street so they could frolic in the snow.

My snowboard attempt.

My first attempt on a snowboard on our street ended in a little fall. I almost did a split which hurt slightly. Fun though!

Here is my second attempt. Slow and steady. I love how Delaney is saying "Mommy too slow" in the background. She is already embarressed by my lack of cool.

Delaney has become obsessed with Cheerios products. She could eat Cheerios for all meals and snacks with Fruity Cheerios being the frontrunner out of the many ones to choose from.

Delaney side note: Her new favorite line when she is being two and we are trying to get her to do something she doesn't want to do..."I'm so mad for you"--meaning 'I'm so mad at you'. Hee hee.

Our little snowman.

I have noticed something during this most recent snow. You know when you come in from the snow and pull off your pants/coat and you are really cold and then it feels warm inside and you pt on sweatpants and get comfy? That feeling?? It so reminds me of all the Christmas vacations I had at my Grandma and Grandpa's house in Salt Lake City. I would feel like that when I came in from skiing or playing in the snow. It is such a nice feeling and reminded me of really wonderful times in my life.

I just love when Maya makes those sweet faces. Her new favorite thing is to "stand up". She loves having her hands held and just rocking back and forth with that little hand bobbling.

Randy does a game of banging his head into the door as Delaney slams it and Maya is just cracking up laughing. Poor Randy--he will be hurting himself his whole life to entertain his girls.

A little potty reading time before bed. I love the way Delaney pronounces all of the rhyming animals in this book so I just had to capture it.

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