Wednesday, March 30, 2011

6 month check up

Maya's six month stats:
Height: 26 1/2 inches (79th percentile)
Weight: 16 pounds (56th percentile)
***As stated in an earlier post, Maya still is not really excited about eating solid foods. You wouldn't know this from looking at her chunky thighs but the girl just isn't that excited about food yet. The Xantac is working slightly, and then I got some advice from my good friend Liz about using a Nuk brush instead of a spoon for feeding. Maya definitely likes the Nuk brush more but she has a couple of bites and then she is done. Probably going to switch medications soon because I think food is still irritating Maya and I want her to be happy with it. God knows I am.

Now I know this is already a long video--but you should have seen how long Maya actually played with this little sticker book. Forever. She just kept turning it over and over..repeat...repeat....

*Delaney had a little virus this week. It was quite scary because her temperature went up to 105 but she tested negative for strep and the flu and Dr. Moore just said her throat was really inflamed. We had to keep her home from daycare for two days. The first day the poor thing was quite pathetic and not feeling good but the second day was spent playing and having a blast. I love that my child only gets "sick" for 24 hours. Knocking on wood for that one.

In one of the Parenting magazines I get they talked about how to make a car out of a cardboard box. On Delaney's second "sick" day home from daycare this week we made this our project. It was fun and the car lasted approximately 15 minutes and several trips around the house before it fell apart. Well worth it though!!

Sweet little Maya-Waya.

I love it when Maya gets started talking, or complaining...however you interpret it. Her little mouth just going cracks me up.

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