Saturday, April 23, 2011

Easter Egg Hunt at Trenholm Road Church

Poor little Maya got so tuckered out after eating she passed out holding some plastic tweezers from Delaney's vet set.

At another meal time--bright eyed and ready for some grub.

The church where the girls go to daycare was sponsoring an Easter egg hunt and invited the daycare kids.

Libbie and her sister Lucy.

Delaney loved looking for eggs and I was actually a little nervous if other kids found any. When they said "GO", Delaney took off and started grabbing eggs from everywhere and throwing them in her basket without stopping to think. She ended up with quite a few eggs. That's my girl.

Love love love this pic.

A family shot but one of us out the four of course isn't looking in both shots. Oh well.

We had a picnic afterwards and Emmi and Grammy joined us. Emmi's parents Kathleen and Chris were out of town so my mom had Emmi for the weekend. Love how Delaney is oh so ladylike in this pic

Randy and mom chowing down.

My little Easter baby.

After the hunt Delaney and I dyed some Easter Eggs at home. She got a big kick out of the different color water cups and picking what eggs should be what color.

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