Friday, May 27, 2011

TRUMPS Spring Fling 2011

Maya has her debut in the sanctuary at daycare. She rides down in the wagon with her friends Abigail and Joe. Maya didn't have the pacifier earlier but there was a little bit of a lag before the show started and I think she got a little fussy.

The Infant II class gets settled at the front of the church. Maya is the second little baby towards the right sitting with the crown on. Her class "sang" to "I Just Can't Wait to Be King" from The Lion King. Their shirts were homemade by Mrs. Camille and Maya's had a lion on it with fabulous feathers for his mane.

Little Miss Curious looks up at Mrs. Karen for inspiration.

After several other classes, it was time for the star performer. Delaney heads down the aisle holding Mrs. Lindsey's hand. They had t-shirts on that said "Jesus is the Rock Band" that were homemade and all of her class had sunglasses on. If you can tell---Delaney's sunglasses were upside down. She has a little problem with that.

If you can see from the picture--Delaney is the tall one towards the center in the back. Her class sang two song: 1) Father Abraham and 2) Open Shut Them which is an adorable song that she sings all of the time. Delaney did really well doing the hand motions for both songs and singing the whole time. I didn't videotape it because her daycare is supposed to be selling videos of the performance soon. Hopefully I will have soon so everyone can see it!

My little sunshine is so proud of herself after her performance.

Nana came to see the big show and of course Randy was there.

You can't tell from this picture but Delaney's hair was done up in these loopy doopy ponytail things in the back.

A really cute pic of Maya and her daddy.

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