Saturday, July 23, 2011

Cutness plus extra cuteness with Miranda

Maya hangs out on the rails--looking really cute.

Randy and I took Delaney and Miranda to Palmetto Falls which is the water park located on Fort Jackson. Randy and Miranda took on the slides and I played with Delaney in the kiddie zone where Delaney went down the three foot alligator slide approximately 4000 times. She loved it and loved running through the sprinkler area too. For a girl who doesn't like water in her face while in the pool she loved being splashed at the water park. I was really proud of her. Anyway---Delaney was exhausted when we got home and sat with Miranda on the couch. Miranda was busy trying to watch the next to last Harry Potter before Randy and I took her to see the final Harry Potter in 3-D at the movie theater.

Maya plays in the bars in our breakfast area while pretending to be on the phone. She is so funny bringing her hand up to her ear like it is a phone.

Delaney cuddles up to Miranda on the couch and takes a little nap.

Why do we buy toys?

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