Thursday, August 11, 2011

Delaney is leaving the Twos Class :(

The Two's II class at Delaney's daycare had a party on their last day because most of the kids will be moving up to the 3's class.



Laney Loodle

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Me and the hungry Laney Loodle having a snack at the party.

Delaney loves some Ms. Maritza. Maritza loves some Delaney. Maritza has been a wonderful teacher to Delaney and I will miss seeing her every day. I know Delaney will. The two of them have really bonded.

Delaney, Warren, and Mady

Delaney and Ms. Lindsey. Lindsey is such a wonderful teacher too and is so patient and calming for all of the wild little two's. Delaney loves Ms. Lindsey and will miss her a lot.

That night, we had to leave our house at 7 because there were some people coming to look at the house. We decided to take the girls to Chik-fil-A. Now both girls had already eaten dinner but the two of them ate again. They were both in their pajamas but loved sitting and having snacks. Little did we know that it was kids eat free night at Chil-fil-A and also beach party night. It was a bit of a cluster but the girls loved it. This was Maya's first experience with Chik-fil-A and I am sure it won't be her last. She loved it.

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