Saturday, September 17, 2011

First Soccer Game!

Maya is a big climber. She likes to remove everything from the drawers in my bathroom and today she did that and decided to climb in the drawers.

This pic freaks me out because Delaney looks like such a big girl. She was so excited to put on her soccer uniform for her first game!

Delaney is very good at sitting on the soccer ball.

It was a cold and misty day but Maya was a trooper and sat on the sidelines with her mommy and daddy and a lot of the time Delaney. More on that later......

Getting a team pic is hysterical.......

There are about 3 kids on the team that actually play soccer the whole time---Daniel, Blake, and Stella. The rest wander around, cry, sit on their parents' lap, or eat snacks. Delaney had 10 REALLY good minutes at the beginning of the game and then spent the rest of the game eating Maya's food or sitting in Maya's stroller. I didn't capture any pics of her playing but another mom did and once I get them downloaded I will share them for proof that my child was actually on the field.

Maya gets prepared for her birthday party with her Ms. Onderful shades.

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