Sunday, October 9, 2011

Getting ready for Halloween

We pulled out the Halloween box to decorate for Halloween and Delaney found something of her liking right away.

I should correct her when she says words wrong--but I don't. It's too cute.

It's been a while.

A new number for ya...

My little one with the crazy hair and her never ending balloon.

Some play time with the girls.

This is their play room after about 15 minutes. Wow. You should see it in the afternoon.

Fall is here! And obviously hoods...

Off to soccer practice we go. Of course a princess accessory must go, hence the tiara. Delaney puts on a princess accessory when she wakes up...actually she sleeps in a princess gown, takes everything off in the morning, puts on clothes and then a gown and tiara and then takes the gown off before school. She then gets to school and puts on a gown there and wears it until they go outside. She gets home from school and immediately puts on princess accessories until bath. Then puts on PJ's covered by princess accessories. Basically the child is a princess 24/7.

How cute is my little soccer princess?

Pushing the cart.

We went to the pumpkin patch at Trenholm Road United Methodist Church which is where the girls go to daycare.

Delaney loved running and picking out pumpkins.

Maya points to her pick.

Maya was really tired during this outing...


We have met lots of our new neighbors..including Garlic the white cat who belongs to Jack and Betty down the street (a.k.a. really cute old couple)

Delaney who is the world's largest animal lover, except for bugs which she stomps on, attracts all animals.

Garlic really loves Delaney

Here is our new house with our Halloween decorations. Check out the spider web with giant spider and the Potato Head Princess and Witch pumpkins.

Delaney LOVES Halloween decorations. I know it sounds weird..but I think decorating for Halloween is what got Delaney adjusted to the new house. She even said, "I love my new house because it has a big spider". THANK YOU HALLOWEEN FOR BRINGING MY LITTLE GIRL BACK!!!!!! Delaney has been a super happy girl and I am so so happy that she is adjusted to our new house.

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