Sunday, October 23, 2011

Soccer and Scarecrows

A cold morning playing soccer but the doodle bug was on the field and ready to play.

Delaney plays soccer at the beginning of the game. Look at my little speedy running around trying to get the ball. I think she's finally getting the hang of this sport. Thank goodness.

These next few pics are actually from the first soccer game but they are ones that mom took and I just got them so thought I would share them. (hello runon sentence)

I had to help Laney on the field a little bit that day.

The girls playing together---or Delaney dragging Maya around in a "wagon". I don't think this toy is supposed to hold a child but Maya thinks it is supposed to.

Grammy, Nutty, and Jackie took Delaney to the Italian Festival along with Addy and Emmi. Delaney returned happy as could be with a full belly of gnocchi and a Dora facepaint.

Randy and I have been sad lately that our baby is growing up. We have been waking her up for the past 13 months at 9:30 for a bottle and the time has come when that bottle has ended. Maya is now down to 2 bottles a day and we are stopping the nighttime one. Maya has been drinking that night bottle in almost a comatose state and sleeps for a minute in Randy's arms when she is done. We both are going to miss this time with her when she snuggles and is our baby in our arms. I think Maya will appreciate not being woken up at 9:30 though---even though she did suck that entire bottle down. My baby is growing up.

We went to the Mills house downtown to checkout their annual scarecrow exhibit where different businesses around town decorate scarecrows in various themes for Halloween. Here I am with the Harry Potter scarecrow.

Delaney gives a hug to and Randy fist pumps with the Jersey Shore scarecrow.

Maya and a scarecrow. We were being hurried out of the exhibit so didn't catch this scarecrow's name. The huge sign on the wall of the exhibit said it closed at 5 but they were trying to tell us at 4:30 that it closed at 4. Whatev.

Maya loves to jam on the little drumset in the playroom.

Randy and his little D have a special bond. They like to sit on the couch together and eat chips and watch. Randy has talked Delaney into watching Star Wars and she LOVES it. She was mesmerized and kept asking a million questions during it. They have since watched Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi. Randy says he is going to start on the Lord of the Rings series next. Oy.

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