Thursday, February 2, 2012

Some New Videos

I think Maya watches her mommy and daddy on the phone too much.

 Delaney is still loving listening to Yo Gabba Gabba. On this song, "Nice and Easy", she likes to play the role of Foofa and either me or Randy has to be Brobee. It is a nice duet. Delaney takes it very seriously and you can't sing her part and have to really get into your part.

 My sweet little one loves to give the doggies hugs. Now her version of a hug is pointing her head at you and pushing it towards you. So sweet. The doggies love Maya's little hugs.

**If you pay attention to this blog, you might have noticed that a video called "Maya in Bath" is not there anymore. Yes---I have been censored. You Tube sent me an e-mail stating that my video was "inappropriate" and they had to remove it from the site and I now have a strike against my name. Are you kidding me??????????? It was a video of my baby in the bath talking. Now I have seen some fairly raunchy stuff on You Tube (mostly by accident) and it truly pisses me off that they would call my video "inappropriate" and send out a standard template letter stating words like "pornography". It is a 16 month old baby in a bathtub who just makes you smile because she is so silly when she is babbling and talking. I know in this world we live in, there are bad people who can turn innocent material into their own twisted versions, but in my world, babies are huggable adorable creatures that are innocent and amazing. Okay. Off my soapbox. I shall just watch from now on what I put on You Tube. God forbid I get banned and labeled as a pornographer. Sheesh.

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