Friday, April 13, 2012

Choice Number 3

Delaney loved the singing plant when she was smaller and now Maya loves it. Wouldn't you want to dance to this song? She has to take a small break for more bites of dinner though in the middle.

Mom and I took Delaney to see Toy Story 3 on Ice. Delaney was a little confused with the name. At night, Randy and I give her three choices of activities she can do in her room before she goes to sleep. Delaney kept calling the show: "Choice Number 3 on Ice". Bless her.

We all loved the show. Delaney got a little glamour during the intermission. I love it that my child doesn't understand yet that you can buy all of the ridiculously expensive stuff they have for sale at these things. She just looks at them and says "Hello Buzz!!!" and keeps moving.

Delaney has a little obsession/crush with Andy from Toy Story. He is "her boy". We all loved the show. Mom and I said that when Delaney is too old to go we will still go.

Publix trips have been getting easier and easier now that the girls have finally realized they love each other a lot.

Nana made the girls matching skirts that are so adorable! She also made one for Morgan so the three of them together will be really cute.

Again...trying to get the two of them smiling at the camera in a pic is really tough.
I didn't really capture the part where Maya was imitating Nana's every move---lifting her arms like a ballerina and lifting her leg up. Still was a sweet moment with the two of them though. Delaney is the one operating the piano in the background. One of Maya's favorite books is "Butterfly Kisses" and we like to do the sounds from it.She likes it when the babies say "goo-goo" and my favorite is when she does the "cock-a-doodle doo". Her little voice just cracks me up.

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