Saturday, May 5, 2012

Crawdaddy Dash and Crawfish Festival

Time again for the annual Crawdaddy Dash and Crawfish Festival right outside mom's door on Rosewood Drive.My fan club came to see me run in the 5K.

Don't want to brag...but I kicked some serious butt this year. I think my time was 22:19. I finished first in my age division (love that 35-40 group) and 4th female overall. A 28 year old, 32 year old, and 11 year old beat me. Damn that 11 year old. I was really proud of myself and got an award of a little cooler backpack. Yay me. And my stinkin' running mix was out of whack that day so I don't know how I did that good. It must have been the heat (run was at 9 AM) and the long stretch outside Owens Field airport that I had to finish quickly or I would die.

Silly mom.

Lovin' those self-portrait options on the phone.

Daddy and Delaney on the swings.

Maya loved her some cajun boiled peanuts. We actually had to cut her off from them because we thought she might turn into a peanut.

In the kiddie area they had a table set out with live crawfish to do crawfish races. We thought it was hysterical but Delaney was a little nervous. After we left the table there was a woman who came up to the volunteer worker and basically cussed her out saying it was animal cruelty and she should be ashamed. Did this lady know she was at a crawfish festival with boiling crawfish down the road?? Sheesh....

A little nervous at the petting zoo area.

Delaney loving her pony ride.

And loving on some goats.

A llama trying to love on some beer.

Delaney was so disappointed she didn't get to hug on the big crawfish because we didn't see it while the kids were there. They left with their grammy around 12:30 to take a nap and Randy and I got some good adult time in at the festival. I got a good crawfish hug instead of Delaney. :)

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