Sunday, June 3, 2012

The Roberts Go Camping!!!!

Sweet little baby spit mouth having a snooze on our trip. The Roberts fam decided to take the pop-up camper to Oconee State Park to do a little camping. Randy and I had originally talked about just the two of us going, and then we talked about how much Delaney would like it, and then we couldn't leave Maya behind so the whole fam decided to go. Only one incident on the trip there, the pop-up camper's door opened somewhere between our house and Elmwood Ave. (about 5 miles) and one bag fell out. We didn't realize this until we got to the campsite. This bag had our propane and flashlights and Delaney's new Barbie fishing net that she was really excited about. This was all contained inside my LL Bean backpack that I have had since college and loved oh so much. Oh well. We actually got propane from a nice park ranger and used Delaney's kitty flashlight that we had brought. We are super campers!!!

We set up camp when we got there and Maya made herself at home in her little princess chair.

The girls fell in love with the pop-up camper right away. Beds we can roll around on and a little house all to ourselves? Awesome!!

Banana time in the Rockwood Estates

There was a little dock near our campsite and we went to investigate.

Enjoying a Kool-Aid beverage that Randy had accidentally bought for Delaney's birthday party and I refused to serve. I figured a little extra sugar would be fine while camping and Delaney loved having that treat.

Randy started a fire so we could make our first meal---the hobo stew.

Can't have a day without miss princess having a little attitude for a little while. She took her V-Reader to the camper and had a moment to herself.

Hobo Stew yo!!!

Maya had at least three helpings of the hobo stew. I think we have a winner!

Roasting marshmellows was a lot of fun!!!

It was a little colder than I predicted and thank goodness I brought jackets for the girls. Totally didn't bring one for myself so thank goodness Randy brought a long-sleeved t-shirt and I practically lived in that all weekend. Yay smelly.

Delaney will have my ass someday for this one. She really has no shame about her potty time and when she said she had to poop we didn't even have the potty inside the camper at the time and she made a move to go on it then. I moved it inside the camper and she insisted on pooping with the door open. Sweet girl. Pooping---UNO cards in hand.

The morning coffee Randy made was awesome!!

There was a little playground at the campsite that we took advantage of.

Happy in the woods....

...not happy in the woods.

There was a little mini golf course at the campground and we didn't actually play on it but it provided for some good running trails for the girls.

Delaney was fascinated with the crickets Randy bought for fishing.

We borrowed this awesome backpack for Maya for our hike. We had the Jeep stroller which is good for trails and I knew that Delaney wouldn't make it all the way on foot so we had the stroller for her. It was supposed to be a fairly short hike but between the map that was wrong and my dear sweet husband (love you!!!!), it was a long one. The girls loved it though and we had a great time trekking through the woods. Got a little hungry near the end though... we arrived back at the playground area and had our picnic lunch. PB &J is always a winner and yummy fruit.

A couple of funny Delaney and Maya moments while on the mini golf course while camping.
I don't know why throwing little rocks is so much fun apparently it is.

The fisherman gets ready.

Once again---the photographer is never in the pictures and this is my weak attempt at capturing that I actually went camping with my family this weekend.

He caught one!!!!!

About 15 minutes into the canoe/fishing adventure--Maya passed out. We had tried to get her to nap earlier and she just wouldn't. Tried everything....I guess a hot canoe on a lake in an extremely uncomfortable position slumped on the floor of the canoe with her head in my hand for support does the trick.

So hard to capture the pretzel predicament my poor sleeping child is in.

My beautiful Laney Loo excited in the canoe.

Still sleeping...

Laney got a bit frustrated after a while----I think the no nap got to her. I am sooo happy she totally forgot about the Barbie net that had flown out of the camper. She would have been disappointed but the girl who never forgets anything forgot that.

Still asleep after docking the canoe and Randy removing her from pretzel position.

We went to the lake's swimming area and the water was a little cold but Delaney still tried it out.

....not too happy with the cold water though.....

Maya preferred to chill on the side.

Hanging out after a long day of fun and waiting for our pizzas.

Love the belly....

More fun in the camper!!! Just so you know---both girls actually slept very well. On the first night they fell asleep curled up on the same bed and then on different beds the next night. Maya is a good sleeper and Delaney watched a movie on the DVD player both nights before falling asleep. The both slept until 7:15 which is later then they do at home!!!! Delaney also got up to pee both nights which we have been working on. Sidenote:  I have been waking her up for the past 3 weeks at 2 AM to take her to the potty. We tried to take her out of pull-ups when she turned 4 but she just wasn't ready and was still having accidents at night. If I wake her up at 2, the little zombie will pee and then go right back to sleep so she is dry all night. There have been some nights where she still has an accident and I know that she is just a really hard sleeper and can't help it. She is very proud of herself though and always asks me to wake her up. My little D and I are just 2 AM zombies together but I am hoping that after a while it will become somewhat of a habit and she will wake herself up to pee. Okay. Done with sidenote. This picture really makes me laugh and is so typical.

Randy picked up some Ben and Jerry's ice cream bars at the park store for our after pizza dinner treat.

A little Maya dancing session while camping.

There was a little boy at a campsite near ours around Delaney's age. She flirted with him a lot and actually ran up to him, removed her hair bow, shook her hair around and then brought me her bow. She kept doing little flirtatious poses and said to him "You're cute!!". Randy and I about died.....

Delaney liked walking over to the bathroom area for potty and brushing teeth. It was a like a little adventure in itself....

Our last breakfast while camping...

....and yet another UNO game. Delaney is quite the UNO master.

Water bottles are hard to drink from daddy.....

Ready for one more little walk before we go....

Thank goodness for self timers on camera so we could get this shot at a waterfall fairly close to the park.

Silly family shot.

Waterfall. I wish I could remember the name now but I can't. Sounded like an Indian Princess name like Hiwatchatheea.

Shadow watching is fun.

Delaney and Randy hiked down to the waterfall.

My two beautiful camping girls. This was an amazing trip and I can't believe that it was as easy as it turned out to be. The girls were perfect and loved being outdoors and exploring. We are DEFINITELY doing it again soon and will be trying out new spots. We learned some good tips from some nearby campers to make our campsite even better next time. I can't wait for our next camping adventure!!!

....and then a snooze on the way home. And another little spit bubble. Love that sleeping baby I do.


  1. Aw looks like a blast! What is the name of that park again? We used to go camping all the time but havent been since we've moved here. I love the pictures of Maya sleeping in the canoe!!!

  2. It was Oconee State Park sort of near Clemson. Really awesome park with great campsites on the water and lots of things to do. I highly recommend it!! We are definitely going camping again soon----the girls loved it!
