Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Lots of Water Fun!

The girls have different days at school where they do water play which consists of running through a sprinkler, going down the water slide, and playing with water tables. I was able to catch Maya on one of her days and she absolutely loved it!!!

Maya kept filling up the cup with water and pouring it over her head.

At school they have water play for each class two days a week during the summer. Unfortunately the kids haven't gotten as much water play this summer because the church is under major construction and it has affected playground time. So....Maya makes the most of water play when she gets it. See her splashing in the puddles and then my OCD child taking her shape to the water table and splashing and then returning to the sprinkler to hop down into the puddle. Same thing....over and over. She had a blast. Maya definitely has no fear of sprinklers and water. We got a sprinkler for home and she loves it!
I picked up the girls from school one day and we decided to get wet in the backyard. No sprinkler needed, just the hose and the water table. They got soaking wet in their clothes and loved it.

Had to get rid of those wet clothes so a little naked time was called for. These two free spirits absolutely love being naked.

Some moments start out sweet and then one girl will end up getting pissed at the other. Inevitable.

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