Friday, July 13, 2012

Miranda is in Town!!!

Delaney's new night shirt---it says "Hello my name is 'High Maintenance'". Do you think that applies? It is actually my old shirt. Ha.

Sweet little Maya...with paci...

...and without...

Delaney likes to sit with Maya and read her books.

Little cowgirl

Delaney truly is my little sunshine.
Water balloon time with the dogs. Tyson loves to eat water balloons. The whole thing. Our yard is quite decorated with colorful poop.

Miranda is here to visit!!!!! She is here with her cousin Jessica for a week and of course she came over to go swimming. Miranda is 14 so she was a bit of a teenager while here.....but we still love her. :)

Randy and I took all of the girls to Frankie's Fun Park to ride the go carts. Delaney was glued to the two older girls like she was their bud.

Randy had a little tag-a-long with him on the go-carts. She loved it!!!!!!!!

Jessica ready to go!! You were supposed to have your driver's license to do the go carts but the workers didn't ask so we didn't tell! Oops!

Miranda and Jessica were neck-and-neck.

There goes Randy and Delaney! She LOVED it!

Randy while at Frankie's preferred to pick mushrooms she found outside.

Miranda was very cute holding Delaney on her lap during a car video game.

The three girls enjoyed an adventure game.

...and everyone enjoyed a shoot-em-up game.

Maya preferred to watch.

That night for dinner the whole fam went to Miyabi's. Maya, who had been uninterested in straws until this night, realized that a straw cup can be super fun when it has an umbrella in it. Miranda loves to eat Japanese when she comes into town so we went to Miyabi's instead of the crummy old Sato's that we always go to.

Watching the chef

We told the restaurant that Miranda and Jessica were twins so they could get the silly birthday song.

The "birthday girls" got cupcakes.

A little Nutty for ya

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