Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Show and Tell

Delaney had a school assignment to bring in two objects for show and tell 1) thing that makes her happy 2) thing that makes her sad. When I asked her what she would like to bring in that made her happy she said "my penguin! he makes me happy!". Easy enough.

When I asked Delaney about what made her sad she had a hard time getting it out: "lado"..."saggo"..."green thing"...."sheesh mom that thing that you and daddy eat that you say will make me big and strong!!". Me: "salad??". Delaney: "yes! salad! that makes me sad".
"It makes me very very sad".

1 comment:

  1. Tell Delaney she is not alone! Since im trying to shed some baby weight Salad makes me very sad to!!!!
