Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Halloween 2012

Just capturing more soccer moments. Here Delaney and Mady are holding hands and blocking the goal. Delaney has definitely wanted to play more defense lately.l

And here Delaney and Stella just want to hold hands.

Delaney all dressed up and ready for Liz and Rick's wedding. Liz is a good friend of mine who I worked with for many years. This dress was the flower girl dress that Addy wore in my wedding and Delaney has been wanting to wear it somewhere for a long time. She looks so beautiful!!

Grammy came over to babysit Maya because she didn't go to the wedding with us.

The fam all dress up and ready to go to the wedding---oh---and Queen Burger Maya was there too. :)

Hugging the spider decoration in the yard. Our annual Halloween fun.

Delaney with "Marcus the Carcus". Randy and I finally figured out his name because we have been mistakingly calling him "Chester the Molestor" for years and that just didn't seem right.

Various poses to show off our Halloween decorations.

The annual Halloween parade at daycare . Delaney's friend Abby dressed up like a biker chick and  was the best dressed of the day. She even had fake tattoos on her lower back and neck. I told her mom Heidi that it was the best costume ever. 

Captain America, Pink Bat Girl, and Catwoman (a.k.a. Roper, Delaney, and Libbie)

Maya's friend Charlie as the horse. Maya calls Charlie "my Charlie". Charlie was fascinated by horses at Maya's birthday party and he is really small so his mom Cheryl said that maybe he has a future career as a jockey. Yay!

Maya lined up with her friends and ready for the trick-or-treat parade.

Maya's teacher Maritza dressed up as a ballerina.

Check out that face.

Delaney had the best time!!

Look at these sweet babies in the parade. I miss those days of my baby girls in the wagon....

Delaney and her friend Sally

Trying to capture a sweet sibling moment in the pumpkins. Didn't work.

Maya doing a song in class.

Maya posing with fake pizza in class.

Pete the Cat is a favorite book in Maya's class at school. She likes the "oh no" part and the belly button part so she can lift up her shirt to show her belly button. Just capturing that laugh---and those leg warmers!!

My cutie Pink Bat Girl ready to trick-or-treat on Halloween night. We thought a hat would be needed but it turned out to be beautiful weather.

Heading out to trick-or-treat!! Our neighborhood does great with tons of decorations and lots of kids out. It really is nice that everyone is so festive and no one is scared about Halloween which is quite silly. We had the best time and the girls loved going door to door. One problem with this night: We left out a big bowl of candy on our porch with a sweet sign saying "Please Just Take One". As we left our house and were across the street, I noticed a family that didn't seem right heading towards our house. I started to go there, but then felt ashamed of myself and didn't do it. The parents were carrying plastic grocery bags and the 4 kids weren't wearing costumes. Well---that LOVELY family took our ENTIRE bowl of candy in one swoop. Should have trusted my intuition. Well---to that family who stole our candy----karma is a bitch. Good luck.

Happy Halloween!!!!

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