Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Happy Chanukah 2012!!!!

We have been renting Wii games from the library and Just Dance was this week's hit. Delaney has been loving to dance to "It's Raining Men" and her other favorite is this winner from Kesha "Tik Tok". Randy and I have been having competitions too....sadly I keep losing. Maya can't quite say "Hannukah" so she thinks it is "Ponka". Also--when we lit the menorah she thought it must be someone's birthday so she said "Happy Birthday Ponka" and sang the song.
We had Chanukah at our house this year. Nutty and Stan were ready for the big fun.
The fam sings the prayer on the first night of Chanukah.

The Chanukah Fairy who delivers the gifts. I had to make a rule this year that only the person wearing the crown can hand out gifts. It sort of worked.....

Delaney getting her Barbie box from Nana.

Maya getting her Barbie clothes from Nana.

Bitty got herself some new furniture from Nana.
Just capturing the fun of Chanukah.
Delaney in her new party dress from Grammy. Maya got a matching one.
You can hear Maya with her "Oh My Gosh!!!" which is what she said each time she opened a present. Her enthusiasm was awesome. A pantless Maya dances to her new "Cingrella" piano.
Maya showing a little love to Matt. I have no idea where her pants went during all of this...
This damn doll baby crib was impossible to figure out and Randy got a kick out of me trying. Maya gives Matt some love which is hilarious. Matt, who acts like he doesn't like children, secretly loves him some Maya.
I think Randy captured this odd picture of Bitty in her new highchair wanting to eat some cake.

Delaney eyeing her daddy's new Star Wars Wii game. Her quote: "I love Darth Vader SOOOO MUCH!!!!!!"

Maya and her new doctor set making sure "Cingrella" is doing okay.

The girls jammin it up on their new floor piano. Fuzzy pics but I loved the action and facial expressions.

Mom took the girls and I to see Charlie Brown Christmas at the Columbia Children's Theatre. It was adorable!!! This was Maya's first show and she did fantastic!

Waiting to light the candles on the fourth night of Chanukah. Maya's face is priceless....

After Delaney does a beautiful job singing the prayer for the fourth night of Chanukah, she then gets confused and says "Happy Birthday Jesus!". Ahhh.....the wonderful delightment of a mixed family. I love it!!!

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