Saturday, March 9, 2013

Mustaches and Tea Parties

Grammy recently got the girls these truly obnoxious motorcycles and Delaney tends to zone out while watching hers. Caught her in the act and also playing with her waffle and "dip dip". I love her so.

Jessica sent the girls valentines' that had tattoo mustaches and we just got around to doing them. Maya was excited pre-mustache and then was not thrilled about her faux lip hair.

Delaney's friend Sarah Beth had her second annual tea party and she got all dressed up to go. Before the tea party began Delaney got in some snuggle time with Sarah Beth's Nana.

All of the adorable tea party girls!!!

Making their little egg-cup teacups.

Delaney is not really bored but just tired because the child never naps or rests!!!

Uh-oh...mommy hatred pic for down the road. Caught a little pickin'.

The girls at the tea party put on a little dancing show. Delaney is in the red and white. Please ignore me and the other moms complaining about the time of the dance recital which is a Thursday at 9 AM. A little sing-along time with SB's Nana at the tea party. The girls love it!!!
The girls swinging with their new tutus made by my friend Cathy. The tuts are for St. Patricks Day along with monogrammed shirts.

My pumpkin with her "Punzel" braids from her teacher Ms. Maritza.

Olive lovin' time.

Maya and I went to Trinity's third birthday party at the zoo. Trinity (a.k.a. Bean) is a little girl I have seen for almost two years now for therapy and she is my other love besides my two girls. She is the purple one and her big sister Lillian has on the Lorax hat homemade by her mom Cathy. She is a genius!!!!!

Trinity and her fabulous homemade birthday cake.

While we were at the party, Randy took Delaney to their annual circus date. Delaney came home with this pink wig number that was attached to some cotton candy. They had so much fun!!!

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