Saturday, May 18, 2013

Forest Acres Festival

Every year we love going to the Forest Acres Festival that is totally FREE!!!! They have rides, petting zoo, crafts, etc...and the kids just love it! Here the girls are making little bird feeders out of plastic eggs, peanut butter, and bird seed.

Climbing the inflatable rock wall

Love these crooked helmets

Maya thought she was so brave taking on the rock wall.

Look at Delaney with her shades on flirting with that little boy near her.
Randy and his girls on the big slide at the Forest Acres Festival. Delaney insisted on holding her daddy's hand while she slid down which caused her arm to slide against the side of the slide. (Say that 5 times) Of course this was a "major" injury which caused a lot of tears. Poor thing. She tries to be brave sometimes and it just backfires on her. This same thing happened at the water park last year where she slide down next to Randy and got a burn on her stomach and probably will never do a water slide again.
Riding a pony. This was right before her mental breakdown that caused us to leave the festival early. Sigh. I thought these little issues would have ended when she turned five. Not so lucky.

Maya looking a little nervous riding the pony.

Sweet Maya was tuckered out when we got home. She passed out on the couch not letting go of her balloon.

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