Saturday, June 1, 2013

Friends, Pools, and Strawberries

I don't know how we worked it out but we did. These three girls are possibly my oldest friends in the world. And oldest I don't mean in years because we are all almost the exact same age spanning across only two months. Suzannah lives in Greenville, Jennifer lives in Leesville, and Jessica lives in Charlotte and we managed to figure out a night to have dinner together in Columbia. We had a wonderful time, eating and drinking and talking for about 4 hours. I don't think the four of us have been together since high school or early college so it was wonderful to catch up. We are hoping to do this more often now!!!

Pool season is on in full force now. Delaney has graduated from arm swimmies to this little vest----thank GOD one of the swimmies had a whole in it and was no longer usable. She is already doing better this year and is not as scared.

Oh---and did I mention this was swim in underwear day? Yeah---sometimes we, I mean I, get lazy and just let the girs swim in their underwear instead of going upstairs to get bathing suits. Delaney doesn't seem to mind her little vest strap. It looks a little painful to me. Randy said he knows what kind of underwear Delaney will like when she is older. Ha.

Showing off their Lego creation.

If Delaney did good in her piano lesson I promised her a trip to Cottle Strawberry Farm to pick strawberries. Well she did great! The fam drove only about 20 minutes to get there and it was beautiful!

Randy and Nana have some bonding time at the pool.


A little Maya and Nutty swim time.

In case you forgot what I looked like.

Discussing and dreaming about buying a beach house. Yes...Nutty and I have big dreams.

Delaney and Nana share a snack in the shade.

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