Thursday, July 11, 2013

Maya/Mia and my little dancing queens

Two princesses heavily into a movie.

Once again, feeling sentimental about my sweet Mia kitty. Wanted to capture lots of pics with Maya and Mia. I recently got Delaney so now have both of my girlies with my Mee-Mee cat. Mia loves to sleep on Maya's bed and is there most of the day when we are all gone. Too sweet.

Both girls are taking dance classes together at their preschool and I was able to attend a class.
Maya and Delaney in their dance class at preschool. Maya is either looking at Delaney, one step behind, or falling on her bottom. Too cute. Delaney does a great job of following directions and helping her little sister.
Both of my girls have my lack of flexibility.

And they're down....

They were too cute in class with Delaney helping Maya out a lot and Maya doing her very best to keep up. They absolutely love the class and the teachers are very good with all of the little girls. I just found out that Delaney's teacher Kristi just bought a dance studio in town, Palmetto Performing Arts, and I am signing both of my girls up to take classes there in the fall. Yay!!!!!!!!!!!

Look at Delaney up on those toes! Might be a ballerina after all.

During a dance class Maya continued to act like a froggie. My sweet Maya....always a step behind. Doing their jumps and then going in the tunnel. An end of the class treat.

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