Thursday, July 25, 2013

Pool Fun and Mia Fun

Delaney jumping in the pool!
Maya is obviously in the middle of a song here.

Love that cheesy grin.

Delaney jumping!!!!

Delaney does the "Jesus" trick her daddy taught her which is trying to walk on water. We are all going to hell aren't we?? Maya just continues her singing which pretty much doesn't stop no matter where the location.
Maya has been getting into our bed every night around 3 o clock for a while now. For some reason both she and Delaney squish up to Randy and kick him all night so it drives him crazy. Me, on the other hand, sleeping soundly, find it really cute. Anyway..came back from the gym one morning to find my Mia and my Maya sleeping soundly together.

Delaney multitasking....brushing teeth with her light saber Star Wars toothbrush and petting Mia at the same time.

Delaney squinting from the flash but really cute pic of Mia.

If you know Mia, you know that she has never been the friendliest of cats. I have had her since I was 18 years old, I got her when I was a sophomore at Florida State. She has never been the most playful of kitties but she has been loyal and wonderful to me and I have moved her eight million times and dragged her with me in the car numerous places, and basically she and I have made a good team. Mia scratched Randy the first time he came to my apartment...I think she was being territorial. After that though she started sleeping on his head so they became friends. Ok....moral of the story is that Mia in her old age has become extremely sweet with the girls. She sleeps in both of their beds...alternating so neither one feels bad. She loves them and tolerates them to a certain degree before she lets out one of those annoying meows:) I am so glad that all of my girls get along.

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