Saturday, October 12, 2013

Other Stuff and the Ray Tanner Home Run

I will never get tired of dramatic dancing by my girls.
A not so happy looking Maya at career week at school. They were talking about firemen and the kids made their own firehats.

Zeke was happy and ready to smile at the camera.

The whole fire crew.

The kids gathered outside the preschool to wait for the firemen to come by. Disappointing end to the story: they never came because they got called in for a fire. Oh well. The kids got over it quickly and I guess it is better that the firemen do their job than come and visit the kids, right?

Maya on her "red" playground at school.

I have a feeling Maya was really going to jam out with this one but there was ipod malfunctioning error. Still cute though.
More career week. This ensemble was actually from Delaney's school but Maya borrowed it.

Sneak peek to Delaney's Halloween costume--Pinky Pie from My Little Pony. Maya decided to dress today as Pink Bat Girl which was Delaney's costume from last year.

Ray Tanner Home Run 2013. I beat my time from last year by about two minutes and did awesome! I was 6th out of 63 girls in my age group, and 22 out of 361 girls overall. 112 out of 672 overall. Time was 58:30 which was 7:52 miles. It was a 12K race so I think I did pretty awesome! My little running fan club of my girls, hubby, and Grammy were there.

Delaney before the Kids Fun Run. Now--if you remember from last year---it was a clusterf__k. It was just a little run about 100 yards across the baseball field. They started all of the kids together and then when the kids in front got to the end, they turned them around. Delaney and I had started the little run together, because she was only 4, and she was holding my hand and then she let go. She was just running with a smile on her face and then the group of kids that had gotten turned around just ran right into her, trampling her and knocking her down. She cried and got cut up on her knees. It was horrible. When we got home that day, I wrote an email to the run coordinator, politely stating how upset I was about the fun run and that we had been so excited about the event. I told them my issues with the run and stated that my daughter was very upset. Basically I got an email back stating "thank you for your input". That was apologies or anything. I never heard anything again until about a month ago when the head of the Ray Tanner Home Run emailed me to state that they had made a lot of changes to the Kids Run this year and a lot of it was based on the input I provided from last year. He apologized for what had happened, and said that he hadn't seen mine and Delaney's names on the registration and invited us back as guests for the race. Well hell yeah!!! I am never much of a complainer but when it is something that affects my child....I will speak my mind fully.

A little pre Kids Fun Run fun.

Maya doing the ring hopping at the Ray Tanner Home Run. She did this over and over and over and..... Delaney is a speedy little sucker with this game.
Some cute family shots before the Kids Fun Run.

Here is Delaney at MUCH improved Kids Run this year. See my post from last year for details. It was divided into age groups so here are the 5-6 year olds. Delaney is at the top of the screen against the wall and she actually won her age diviision! Super speedy!!! She was beaming at the end. :) Maya in the 3-4 year old kids' run. She was so excited and I held her hand as she ran down the track. The little super star got a medal at the end. Another beaming young child for me.
Happy girls after the Fun Run.

The Roberts girls with their medals yo.

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