Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Delaney's 2nd Piano Recital and Boosterthon Fun Run!

Easing her nerves with glass of water before her second piano recital.
Delaney was really nervous today and she made a couple of mistakes so this recital doesn't really show how well on the piano she has been doing. She amazes me sometimes and has quite an ear. She does really well with her teacher Bobby and I couldn't be more proud.
Pic taken to show the faces we have gotten from Miss Behavior lately. Delaney has had some trouble in school and at home lately with following directions and being belligerent. We have had several calls from her teacher Mrs. Painter and we are working on this. We have a new positive reinforcement system of getting treats for jobs well done. It is working so far and we have bought a game for Kindle and gone to cici's pizza. I am hoping this phase is short lived.

Trying to capture daddy with a happy girl.

Trying again....

..oh I give up.
A little talking with Maya. The comment about the red thing at the store was when we went to Publix and I picked up some cream for wrinkles. Maya asked what it was and I told her and then she said "I'm sorry mommy. It's my faht (fault)". I don't know where she came up with that but it was hilarious. Maya usually does this by saying "Give me 2 A's", which makes it really funny but she went through her name this time mispelling it but I never correct her. I love the enthusiasm with it.
Delaney and her class, The Painters Paws, come running through the tunnel and onto the playground at the beginning of the Boosterthon Fun Run extravaganza. I love how excited the kids are.
Delaney had a great new fundraiser at school called the Boosterthon Fun Run. These "camp counselors" from Camp High Five came for almost two weeks talking to the kids about teamwork, not bullying, etc...These were very enthusiastic young people who the kids loved and this couldn't have come at a better time for little Delaney. The fundraising part was getting people to pledge money for the kids to run laps at the Fun Run. The maximum of laps is 35 and people could either pledge $1 per lap or a flat amount. Delaney was REALLY excited about this fundraiser and helped a lot with me sending messages to people. She got prizes along the way for money pledged like a wrist band, frisbee, light up ball, and invisible ink pen. The big day came and all of the kids had matching Fun Run shirts and were on the playground ready to go. They separated the run into age groups so Delaney was just with the kindergartners.

The kids marched in before their fun run.
The kids marched seriously before the Fun Run after running in initially before the big crowds through a tunnel onto a playground to various songs such as "Who Let the Dogs Out".
Delaney zooms around the lap circle at the Boosterthon Fun Run. These kids are having so much fun! The Fun Run instructors were awesome too---jamming the music and keeping the kids excited.
Sideways Delaney sets out on her race. Sorry about the sideways. Hint to Randy who never sees this blog----WE NEED A NEW COMPUTER!!!!!!!!!!!!

High fives to Daddy as she goes by.

Delaney was seriously one of the speediest ones out there.

Maya was a bit confused as to what was going on.

There were water breaks available.

My speedy little fun runner.
Cheesin' it up for a minute...

...and then go again!

35 laps!!!!!!!! She did it!!!!!!!!!

The teachers would mark their shirts as they crossed the line each time to keep track of how many laps they had done.

Sideways teachers at the start/finish line. Kelly Painter, Delaney's teacher, is the blond one with her arm up.

Delaney and Sally continued to stroll around the course even after they had finished their 35 laps.

Sally and Delaney

We sent this video to everyone who pledged money for the Fun Run to say thank you. Thank you Jayne Darke, Bonnie Foster, Carol Glass, Renee Bittner, Ann Burns, Monica Wyche, Becky Hunter, Jessica coate, Maxie Darke, Pat Ross, Katie Caggiano, Jordan Reese, and Shannon Scarborough.

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