Friday, November 22, 2013

Thanksgiving Program and Field Trip

All 27 (!) kids in Delaney's kindergarten class were dressed as Indians and ready for their Thanksgiving program.

Delaney was all smiles because her mommy and daddy were there.
Delaney's kindergarten class at Brennen did a Thanksgiving show for the parents. They started out with the Welcome song that said they were grateful we were there. I can hear Delaney singing because she is so loud!!! :) Cute little Thanksgiving song in Mrs. Painter's class. This song cracks me up...especially since Delaney's interpretation of it is "Any Turkey Can Tangle". Delaney's class went around the room and said what they are thankful for. Delaney said "I am thankful for my cat". Later on that day, she told me she is thankful because she knows Mia won't be around that much longer because she is old and she is going to miss her and she loves her. Sniff. The class does a ballad--"And I'm grateful". Delaney does another classic interpretation, singing, "I'm grapeful".
Little Indian in the cafeteria. Randy and I did lunch with our sweet girl---turkey, stuffing, and the rest of the meal elementary school cafeteria style. It was funny seeing all of the parents squished at the little tables.

I chaperoned a field trip with Delaney's class to Sesqui Centennial Park. The kids got to roam around the park for a little while. I helped make sure they didn't fall in the lake.

Merritt, Coleman, Delaney, Mac, and Sally. Delaney told me she is in love with Coleman. He is pretty cute.

I was letting some of the kids take pictures with my camera and my head got cut off. Here is Delaney's friend Mya.

Me and Isaiah near a tree.

Avery, Isaiah, Giudelia, and Coleman.

Coleman, Jackson, Brycen, and Isaiah.

Little Isaiah obviously likes being in front of the camera.

Delaney had a Batgirl shirt on and Avery had a Batman shirt on. Definite photo op....and look how cute they are! I am currently voting for Avery to be the boyfriend. Not only is he adorable but very polite. He offered me his chocolate from his lunch box at the field trip because I didn't have a lunch.

Listening to the park ranger about using our senses in the forest.

Me and Dariyana. It was a gorgeous day and a great field trip. I love being able to do these things with Delaney and meet her friends and be a part of her class. Absolutely priceless!!!

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