Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Christmas Eve 2013

Let me preface this post by saying that all of the pics are completely out of order for the day which completely stresses out my anal retentive self. I feel that my non-made New Year's Resolution should be or still can be to not sweat the small things so basically I am just going to type as fast as possible and not pay too much attention to the pics not being exactly in chronological order. Everything occurred this day just not as pictured. Oh...it is killing me!!!! Must fix it!!!! No---this will be the first step in my recovery of anal retentiveness.
Anyhoo---here is Randy and Maya ice skating. Main Street Ice was open again this year and we did it on Christmas Eve. I am hoping this can be a Christmas Eve tradition!

Walking with Olive at Riverfront Park in the morning.

Okay---dammit---this was not Christmas Eve but a couple of day before. This is one of my closet friends Sasha, who came in town to visit her parents. Sasha and I met when I moved to Charleston for graduate school and we ended up living in the same house downtown that had been divided into four apartments. She was the first person I met there and was my close buddy and confidante. Sasha is now a doctor living in Raleigh and she is truly the most amazing person I have ever met. I can't possibly even begin to start, but she has written a short book about her story that is pretty incredible. Anyhoo---she and Maya and I went to lunch at Pawley's Porch and Maya bonded with her because they were both wearing the same type of bracelet.

The tooth fairy is coming again!!!!!!!!!!!! Delaney lost her second tooth on Christmas Eve!!!!!!! Now this is truly a double whammy with Santa Claus and the tooth fairy visiting on the same night. I think we are really lucky. This tooth fell out while Delaney was eating her dinner. Now both middle bottom teeth are gone with the permanent ones quickly moving in.

Delaney was a little nervous with the ice skating this year but she really did well.

Laney Loodles loving being at Riverfront Park. She still is my nature child.

Maya said " Ho ho ho!!!! Fairy Christmas!!!" I did not correct her on that one. :)

A little Maya raccoon.

Happy to be heading to the ice skating rink!

Maya did remarkable well walking in her ice skates. I think it is all the practice walking in my heels at home.
Because Maya practices in my heels quite often, she is quite proficient at walking in ice skates.

My little ice skater with no fears. She LOVED ice skating and wanted to keep going and going.

Unsure initially about ice skating but was then fine.

My sweet Sasha at Pawley's Front Porch.

Hanging out at the park.

A little Delaney raccoon.

Making faces

A little tired after ice skating.

Delaney loves walking Olive.
My pretty ice skater.

My other pretty ice skater.

Maya really took to the ice skates. Olympics in our future....
Ok---now we're in order. When I take pics with my iphone it throws everything off. Damn me and technology. Anyhoo---Dave and the kids came over for Christmas Eve and we got fried chicken, fries, and cole slaw from Rosewood Dairy Bar and I made brownies. Delicious!!!!

Delaney has a bit of a stink face but this would have been a super cute picture of the two cousins reading. 


Ssshhh....it's a rare Juliet sighting....

Arrggghhh....Randy pirate....
The girls dance to the "What Does the Fox Say" video. Everything good until daddy pulls on Delaney's loose pants. A very brief recovery leads to more dancing. More Morgan and Delaney dancing to the fox song. Too good not to record again.
Opening their American girl pajamas from Ann with matching ones for their Bitty Baby dolls.

These pics make me smile and cry while looking at them now. The girls just loved their pajamas but I am so nervous that the girls are growing up so fast and hoping we will still have moments like these. Cherish them all.

Leaving cookies and milk for Santa and carrots for the reindeer.

Ann always sends us gingerbread cookies like the ones my Dad used to give me each year. It is so wonderful of her each year to send me these cookies so I can always have that tradition. Delaney picked out the Santa one to be the cookie for Santa this year.

Ho ho ho!!!! Merry  Christmas Eve to all and to all a good night!!!!!

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