Sunday, January 19, 2014

Double HiWire with some other fun in between

We went to the new trampoline park called HiWire in town where there are trampolines all over the walls and floors with a basketball court for dunking, dodge ball court, and foam pit to jump into.

Walking on the tightrope.

Maya was this funny little munchkin just jumping around on the little squares as fast as she could go.

All four of us were tired at the end of our hour with no complaints from the little ones about leaving. It was fun but exhausting! And Randy was a little sore from the jumping adventure. :)

Big gun on video game.

My craft project for this year. The girls' princess dress baskets in their rooms were reaching maximum capacity so I made them a princess closet. The bottom of the linen closet was pretty much useless space with costumes so I put up a shower rod and a princess closet was born!

Dave turned 40 and we had a party for him in the back room of Delaney's pub with food, beer, and darts and friends. We of course had to get him accessories such as this fun party hat, 40 beer mug, and lollipops that said "40 sucks".

Oh poor Mia. Walked into this situation one day with Mia on the dollhouse porch. Delaney said "Mia was scared and just crawled up there!" Maya said "Delaney stuck her on the porch". I reprimanded Delaney for this but then had to giggle and take a picture. My poor sweet kitty.

Little Laney loo dancing. She so likes to get "comfy cozy" and dance it up. So first date watching material.

This little video will definitely be shown around first date time. Hahahahahaha!!!
The girls decided to dress up after a bath. Delaney was the flower queen and Maya was her dog. There is something so very wrong with this.

My beautiful little boo.

Kel-Z, Rick, and Jackson came to stay the night and Delaney and Jackson decided to jam it out to "Roar".
What is it with this song that kids everywhere just jam out to it? Who am I kidding....I love it too.
Gangsta. So scary.

Me and Kel-Z

Randy and Rick

A little diva in the backseat heading to HiWire for the second week in a row because we were going with the Prock crew. Randy said he wasn't going to jump this week because he got so sore from the first go round but five minutes in he was jumping all over the place. 

Delaney and Jackson ready to jump off the high platform into the foam pit.

Delaney in the pink doing a huge jump into the foam pit.

Maya loved it so much.

This sheet came home with Delaney from school. Assignment was to use words on front of sheet in sentences on the back. Example of word--"bed". Delaney wrote: "I want to sleep in a bunk bed". Next word--"shed". Here is written Delaney's sentence: "I locked my little sister in the shed". Jeffrey Dahmer anyone??

After a yummy lunch at Henry's Delaney and her BFF Jackson had to say their goodbyes. It took a while.

This next group of pics I shall call Maya in a throne with funny faces.

Eating dinner with the fam at 77 and Maya had no clue there was a napkin on her head.

My sweet girl with various silly faces while eating at her Grammy's.

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