Friday, March 28, 2014

Circus, Cupcakes, and Cute Booties

Bless it. Poor Tyson got sprayed by his daddy with pink hair spray. He looks like a ghetto graffiti dog.
This child dancing totally makes my day. Nothing like it. I love her so.
Annual daddy/daughter date to circus. This was Maya's first year. She was a little unsure about the clown nose at first but then it grew on her. They lasted until 9:15 and then Randy said Maya passed out even with the noise and lights and Delaney looked a little glazed. They loved it though!!!!

Maya and I went to Delaney's school to see the kindergarten production of four different Laura Numeroff books. The class had been studying them and then made books of their own with the same theme. Delaney did "If you give an alligator an apple" and wrote almost the whole thing by herself with just some assistance getting back to apple. I helped her by adding a Snow White theme to it. Their was a production in the lunchroom and then an author's tea in the library with a ton of sweets and tea. Maya loved the boat in the library.

My sweet little girl was the cat in the production of "If You Give a Cat a Cupcake".
Delaney got to play the part of the cat in her class production of "If You Give a Cat a Cupcake". She was actually sick the day before and missed rehearsal and wasn't feeling 100% today and I still think she did fantastic!

Little Maya looks concerned around the big kids Kayden and Gudelia but those two were just giving her hug after hug.

Too too sweet.

Poor Laney Loo came home and passed out after school. She hadn't been feeling well and I think the excitement from the circus and author's tea just did her in. She still looks like a baby to me when she is sleeping. :)

The girls send their birthday greetings to "beach Jackson". I love it when Maya shakes her little bootie while dancing.

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