Sunday, March 9, 2014

Lots of fun March happenings

Wild and Wacky Wednesday during Dr. Seuss week at school. This was right in Delaney's element. Delaney's kindergarten class sings the welcome song to the grandparents on Grandparent Day. I was with Grammy and Nana driving the Miss Daisies. The day was tied in with Dr. Seuss week and they served green eggs and ham.

Mrs. Painter reading Green Eggs and Ham. The class then went to the cafeteria where we ate green eggs and ham. 

Maya's school also had Grandparents Day. The entire class got up on stage to sing several songs. Maya was all smiles at the beginning.

I didn't have the best seats to capture Maya who was on the second row over on the left. She was rather bored looking here and unfortunately I didn't video it. They sang a lot of songs and it was super cute but maybe because there was tons of grandparents there Maya looked nervous and sad. She didn't sing a single word. :(

This was the face during most of the performance.

Mrs. Becky led a sad little Maya off of the stage.

My poor pumpkin even didn't want her picture taken.

Maya and Delaney's old 2's teacher from Trenholm Road said she was missing her little girls and wanted a play date. Maritza has since left Trenholm Road, shortly after Maya left, and is now working with bigger girls at Epworth Children's Home. Maritza was an amazing teacher and of course we said yes to the play date!

Sarah Beth and Lilly and Delaney's friend Abby were also there.

Brennen had a silent auction and BBQ dinner at Spring Valley Country Club. It was a '70's theme and we went with our friends Raven and Scott. We discussed dressing up and went with not and that was a dumb decision because almost everyone else had on their '70's finest. It was a great party with open bars, delicious dinner, and lots of great things to bid on. We ended up winning this panda painting which made us laugh, and also won for Delaney to spend an entire school day with Mrs. Ryan the school counselor with Mrs. Ryan providing the breakfast and lunch. I think we got it for only $15 and it was the best deal ever!!! Since I am writing this post after Delaney had her Mrs. Ryan day I can say it was worth much more than $15. Delaney wore a nametag that said "Mrs. Roberts school counselor" and got to go into the classes with Mrs. Ryan and lead sessions. Mrs. Ryan played the Pharrell Williams song "Happy" at the end of each session and all of the kids danced. Delaney got pancakes for breakfast and pizza for lunch and had the best day ever. Delaney has been going to weekly sessions with Mrs. Ryan for several months because her behavior has been less than stellar. She loved going and thought it was a special treat. I truly think these sessions with Mrs. Ryan are part of the reason for Delaney's improvement in behavior. She "graduated" from counseling sessions the day before she got to be the Junior Guidance Counselor for a day. Congrats Delaney!!!!

Because Maya's school doesn't do field trips because the day is shorter, her class decided it would be fun to meet at the zoo one day on the weekend because they were discussing zoo animals at school. During this class pic, Maya accidentally kicked Mrs. Ashley's son Matthew in the face. He was fine and afterwards I can say that it did turn out to be a funny pic.

The BFF's.

Isabella, Sandy, and Maya

Mom's tenant Isis was given this dog and he didn't get along with her little dog Sweetface so she wanted to find a new home for this adorable little rascal. I swear if we didn't have all of the animals we do I would have scooped up this little one on the spot. Isis found a new home for him that night. Lucky peeps. Delaney fell in love instantly. 

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