Tuesday, June 17, 2014

VBS, Bruno, and sprinklers

I love it when I pull out a baby toy the girls turn into babies again. This was before Vacation Bible School which both girls LOVED. LOVED. LOVED.
My little munchkin at Vacation Bible School at her preschool-Shandon United Methodist. This was potentially her favorite week of the summer because she was in her environment and with her friends. 

Delaney's old 3's teacher from Trenholm Road took Delaney out on a date for pizza and ice cream. Delaney was beyond thrilled to see her and they had a great time. We love you Ms. Kim!!

I had my own date the next night with a gaggle of girls to see Bruno Mars!!!! Here is me and Dottie eating with everyone at Mamas and Tapas before the concert. Yummy food but cruddy service.

It was possibly the second best concert I have ever seen next to Prince. The Colonial /Center was sold out!!! All of us danced our tails off.

Courtney and Caitlin

Me, Dottie, Elizabeth, and Meg

The super trio!

Celebrating Aunt Maxie's birthday at Grammys house.

We discovered that Maya will actually do a sprinkler and other water activities if she is wearing sunglasses. Wish we had discovered this earlier because she sat on the sidelines on last field trip at Camp Hawk Ridge to the splash pad because she didn't want to do it. Now with the sunglasses she is ready to go! We sprinklered it up at home.

It's never a dull moment.
Love my sleeping babies in my bed.

"Mine mine mine" outside of window of boat.

Delaney the nature child with her litle crab friend.

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