Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Beach Week Day 5

Randy and Delaney head out for a morning beach walk. Little Maya definitely took the opportunity to sleep in most mornings at the beach. It was great!

Getting ready for a little boogie boarding.
Delaney really got the hang of it this year.
Whatcha catchin' there hot stuff?

Randy's "face" in the sand. We all helped a bit.

Someone got a little cranky mid-face making.

I wish I could remember or hear what she was saying because it was funny. Promise. She's cute anyway.
Nothing a little paddle ball won't fix.

Maya and I entertained ourselves by running through the tracks in the sand.

Maya with a little beach football with her daddy. Funniest. Child. Ever.
Playing a little football with her daddy. Hut!

/Even though Delaney is a wonderful big sister---she can occasionally get a tad jealous if Maya is getting a little attention. 

I don't want this little boo to get bigger. We love being able to fly her through the air like this.

We have a snaggle tooth!! Both of Delaney's two front teeth are loose.

I turned Maya into a mermaid with a tail.

And then the little freak show wanted to be buried.

Flying our butterfly kite.

Snack time!

Playing with the kite.

My pretty Laney Loo.

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We found a cool sand mermaid.

And a cool sand Mickey Mouse!

Maya with her sand volcano and her sticks she was obsessed with for a while.

Now that's attractive pumpkin.

Every day these two become better and better friends.


Our plan was to do sparklers on the beach but there was a storm coming and thunder and lightning so we just went out for a quick walk. Not many people were on the beach and it was really beautiful.

Playing with some glow bracelets.

Silly willies I have.

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