Friday, September 19, 2014

Snails, Soccer, and Almost Birthdays!!!

Some last moments in the baby pool/side before the swimming season is over. :(

Happy fairy.

Unhappy fairy.

Loving the daddy time.

And still unhappy.

Finding some ladybugs to put in the ladybug playground.

This happens every time the cousins come over. I capture it on film often.

Some Grammy snuggle time. I didn't capture when Monty actually jumped on to the pile too.

Oh---the frog saga. I really don't feel like writing it all here because it truly could make a good short story. One day I will write it. Story in a nutshell: two frogs were bought when Delaney was 2 for Valentine's present: Yeti and T2. Thinking they would last a couple of months, they lived in small box. Seeing about 6 months later they were real pets we upped the size of their home and got little aquarium. T2 died a couple of months ago and we got Betty, his replacement. Both frogs ended up dying shortly after that. I have since replaced Betty several times but not telling the girls that any of the Betty's (or Yeti) died. Apparently pet stores don't have frogs so you have to order them. Here is Delaney with Betty and little do the girls know but I had "Yeti" in the front seat because I didn't want to tell them I was replacing two. Didn't want their hearts broken. The pet store was very good about me sneaking the other one out without the girls knowing. This Betty died and had to get another replacement. When the last Betty died I decided enough was enough and took out the little frog body that night and saved it to show girls in morning. They were sad and decided to bury Betty that afternoon. We thought with older pets in the home it was best to go ahead and let them face a little pet death. We put Betty in a box and buried her in the back yard. The girls asked for a cross to mark the grave and I didn't have one so we marked the grave with a disco ball. RIP Betty (and Yeti and T2 and all the other little froggie friends). Yeti is currently hanging in strong but I think he is lonely without a friend. Haven't decided if we dare go the frog route again or try a compatible frog friend like a fish.
Delaney was the top Boosterthon participant for the first grade so she got to put a pie in the face of a Boosterthon person. They had it during the live morning show at school.
Minion dress with toy snail.

Toothless wonder with real snails.

Maya's birthday week celebration begins! She wasn't going to school the Friday before her birthday so she wore her cupcake birthday dress to school and I sent cupcakes so she could celebrate her birthday at school. Can't believe this baby is almost 4!!

Maya's first soccer practice. She looks the part but will she play??

She loved her practice!!! Unfortunately her team is older---almost all of them are in kindergarten. This is good in one way for Maya because it gives her good soccer role models but bad because they all are really almost two years older than her so socially it is a bit hard. The coach's daughter is in Maya's class which is how we got involved and she says she didn't know the ages either. Maya is happy in most situations though so she had a blast!!

Maya at her first soccer practice. She was so stinkin' cute!!!!
Again---the almost birthday girl wearing yet another birthday outfit. I didn't have to work today so we got a good day of hanging out together.

Blowing a kazoo which we got as favors for the big rainbow heart birthday party tomorrow!!!!

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