Sunday, November 16, 2014

A lot of donut stuff going on.

Delaney and her friend McRae jam out while snacking at Dunkin Donuts. McRae obviously knows her song and moves but my innocent Delaney just tries her best. :)

Delaney had her friend McRae over for a play date so McRae rode a scooter and my girls rode bikes to the DD....that is Dunkin Donuts in the Roberts girls' language.

Maya is just "a little bit funny" while riding her little bike. She constantly cracks us up.

Delaney is now awesome at riding her bike. I am so proud of her.

Olive tore up Delaney's old fairy house that we had sitting on the porch so we built a new and better one. The fairy house is equipped with furniture, a little fairy friend, and a notepad for exchanging messages with the fairies. Delaney leaves treats like chocolate or honey for the fairy and the fairy in return leaves treats or flowers and little notes. I love that my sweet little innocent Doodle Bug communicates with fairies. I hope this lasts as long as possible.

I look like my Laney doll!!! 

Final funeral for frogs. After the final purchase of 3 frogs----girls thinking I bought two----the trio only lasted a week. Actually the first little buddy only lasted a day so we called him NoName. The other two took about a week, so we buried Yeti and Betty. The girls had thought that was the original Yeti so that one was tough on them. The era of frogs in the Roberts house has come to an end. Apparently our first batch of African Dwarf Frogs were healthy as could be, lasting two years, and all of the other little buddies just weren't. I blamed myself initially but then realized those little $2 buddies just didn't stand a chance. 

The disco ball marked gravesites of Yeti and Betty. I think. Honestly, the entire frog saga has me confused and I am not sure who we buried. I thought about writing a short story about our frog saga and I should have written every step down because now I don't remember. RIP little froggies.

And now Yeti has died. We buried him along with little no name frog because we didn't get to know him well enough for him to get a name. Au revoir to frogs in the Roberts house.

Soccer trophy night at Cici's Pizza for Maya's team the Shandon Fives. Maya ended up loving soccer even though her team was a bit older and I think it was a good experience for her.

Delaney attended a party for her friend Mary Margaret at the same farm where she had her 5th birthday party. Riding ponies and looking at farm animals is the best!!

It was a cold day for soccer but Maya's team was ready.

The little bench for the kids has been a great addition.

Delaney's undefeated soccer team was pumped up about their final game. Delaney and Laura had the signs ready!!!

Go Delaney go!!! I promised her a donut if she scored a goal and by golly she did it!!!

A little high fives for the other team. The losing other team that is. :)

Yay for the undefeated Mighty Kicks!!!!!!

Delaney's first grade teacher Mrs. Neely was there to cheer on Delaney and Laura. I think these two girls loved this more than playing today. Sarah Neely is a gem and I am so happy that Delaney has her for a teacher.

Donut reward time!!!!

The girls dance with their donuts.

My old friend Jennifer brought over her two little ones Keely and baby Sam to play. Pics are fuzzy but my girls loved having a baby there. I did too. Made me miss my babies. :(

It's leaf time!!!!!!!

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