Sunday, November 30, 2014

Lights, Thanksgiving, and Nutcracker

Our annual Sleigh Bell Stroll at Saulda Shoals Park. This is always so fun and the weather was gorgeous this year with not a jacket needed!!!! A little light rain which caused Randy to go get a hat before we left. He had remarked two weeks prior that he had lost his rain coat so sneaky me ordered him a great one from LL Bean for Christmas. Well after he rummaged through the closet for his hat he found his rain coat. Yep---one Christmas present down and ready to be returned. Damnit.

The 3-D glasses are always a bonus because you see lots of spinning reindeer, snowmen, or elves. Trippy trippy!

Yummy hot chocolate!

Both girls are very into the Statue of Liberty lately so this was a fun lights addition this year.

Annual family pic at the lights with unfortunately some numbnuts also in the pic.

It was a cold cold Thanksgiving morning so Randy and the girls didn't come to the Turkey Day 5K but my biggest fan was there!!!! I thought I had a good race but we left right afterwards because it was cold. Come to find out I had a great race!!!!! I came in first in my age division with a time of 24:43 at a 7:58 pace. I was 20/377 girls and there were 683 runners total. Woo hoooo!!!!! Two wins in a row!!!!

Helping Grammy with the fruit kabobs for Thanksgiving.

Our turkey chef.

The bros.

Mom was really proud of her little running girl. 

The girls like to be all over Matt because he is the one who wants it the least.

A little snuggle with Uncle Dave.

Playing the piano for Nana.

After a long but fun Thanksgiving...Morgan and Delaney were tuckered out.

Turn a large box into a bird and dress up and then play inside it. That's how we roll.

Packing bubbles!!!! 

A little sign for me from Delaney in the playroom. "Love you better than a heart".

Our many Christmas stuffies.

Roberts' girls at the Nutcracker!!! We switched it up this year and went to Carolina Ballet at the Township because Delaney's friends Lia and Sarah Beth were in it. We won't do that again. Enough said...but back to Columbia City Ballet at the Koger Center next year. Girls didn't really notice that much.

My pretty little Nutcracker girl going to check out the live orchestra. That was the one saving grace of this performance....the girls hadn't seen one of those before.

Delaney's friend Lia as a Bon Bon.

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