Sunday, December 7, 2014

Kitties and Christmas Parades

On a trip to Steinmart Maya discovered the glasses rack.

"Mommy I look like Harry Potter!"

More Mia pics with the girls. Mia has been my kitty for 19 years and I swear she never loved me as much as she loves my two girls. She follows them around and I think loves being picked up and placed in their beds. As Mia gets older and older, I want to cherish these moments the girls have with her. They love her so.

Remember ET hiding in the closet with the stuffed animals? Now this is the same thing with Maya.

My girls do not know the words to Jingle Bells. If you listen closely you can hear Maya say "Old McFarm it is to ride in a one mcforris sleigh". They also have other confused lyrics. I never change them.

Annual Christmas Carillon Parade downtown on Gervais St. in front of the State House. Here is a float with our friend Drew and his daughter Anna Grace in the float.

Maya and Libbie at the parade.

Maya Libbie and Callie


Laney Loo

Nothing like a little crack at a parade.

My girls love to boogie a bit at every occasion.

There's Santa!!!

We got lots of good pics of the pretty girls in front of the big Christmas tree at the State House.

Randy and I never get pics of us so I am happy these turned out so good!!

Backyard playset and leaf fun.

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