Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Dance and Gymnastics Fun

Fuzzy pic but this is a game the girls were playing...princess pulls little doggie wearing doggie zippies around on leash. Oh....the therapy that will be needed.

Foofa and Pirate with Hedwig the Owl. It's how we dress daily around here.

My sweet Maya with a Bitty on her back and a Bitty in the stroller.

I got super crafty around the holidays and said I would lead the Christmas party. Not sure why this pic is here but I was the co-homeroom mom for Delaney's class (insert laugh here) and I came up with all of the crafts and activities for their holiday party. We made marshmellow snowmen, played the dreidel game, made birdfeeders out of bread and peanut butter with Christmas cookie cutters, decorated bags with Christmas stickers, and made reindeer hats. Go me!

Mia has branched out and is now sleeping in Maya's room. Apparently behind Barbie's RV. Mia has to be in one of the girls room which is super cute.

Maya's dance class got their adorable costumes.

Maya had a gymnastics show for the parents and Delaney went and was super crazy and awful (because I think she was jealous) so I gave her my phone to calm her and she went off like a crackhead to do the phone behind a gym mat. Sheesh.

Maya showing off her skills with her teacher Miss Amanda,

Maya loves the classes she takes at the Little Gym.

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